Provision of services / personnel
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About 20,000 schools [in South Africa], with 10 million pupils, have no libraries and few books

"About 20,000 schools [in South Africa], with 10 million pupils, have no libraries and few books, even if they do have shelves." Community H.E.A.R.T.
Obsolete computers

"Between 1997 and 2007, nearly 500 million personal computers will become obsolete - almost two computers for each person in the United States."
Telephone usage

" There are more than 600 million telephone lines today, yet almost half the world's population has never made a phone call."
Obsolete computers

"Over 20 million personal computers became obsolete in 1998, but only 13 percent were reused or recycled."
Chronically undernourished people

"The number of people who are chronically undernourished decreased by 100 million in 37 countries, but it increased by almost 60 million in the rest of the developing world."
Food excess and need

"Up to one-fifth of America's food goes to waste each year, with an estimated 130 pounds of food per person ending up in landfills. The annual value of this lost food is estimated at around $31billion. But the real story is that roughly 49 million people could have been fed by those lost resources."
Child poverty

"Around 121 million children, the majority of them girls, do not attend school and are denied their right to an education."
School facilities

"Most of South Africa's 32,000 schools have no libraries or laboratories. Most pupils have to study with too few desks and chairs, and without enough textbooks. School buildings are often ramshackle buildings that are unsafe for educational purposes."
Americans waste almost 25% of all the food produced in the U.S each year

“According to the USDA, Americans waste almost 25% of all the food produced in the U.S each year.”
Poverty deprives of human rights

Poverty is more than material deprivation for children, as it also includes deficiencies in other vital elements of human rights - such as rest and recreation and protection from violence and conflict.
Two million working Pentium PCs end up in landfill

"Two million working Pentium PCs end up in landfill sites in the UK every year."
World's food supply enough for all

"Abundance, not scarcity, best describes the world's food supply. Enough wheat, rice and other grains are produced to provide every human being with 3,500 calories a day."
Child slaves

There are an estimated 246 million child labourers (about 1 out of every 6 children in the world). The number of child slaves and bonded child labourers in India alone amount to 60 million.
Obsolete computers

"Twenty million PCs become obsolete in the U.S. each Africa there are only three computers for every 1000 people."