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Keilah community Childcare Uganda

Keilah Community Childcare Uganda is a registered Not for Profit Community Based Organization working to empower vulnerable children with education and young people through self-help skills to be responsible, sustainable for self-reliant. The organization was established in 2018 to improve the...

One World Foundation Africa

One World Foundation Africa runs activities in both the UK and Uganda. The organisation partners with a number of other organisations such as Bukomero Development Foundation to implement some of its projects. In UK, they operate a community centre in East London from where they are engaged in...

Tools with a Mission

Tools with a Mission is a UK charity based in Ipswich, Suffolk, with a mission to empower people in Africa living in extreme poverty to create their own livelihoods. The group does this by sending trade kits full of tools that are used in skills training centres, offering the trainees a way to put...

UCESCO - Kenya

UCESCO Africa, Kenya is a charity Non-Governmental Organization in Africa, committed to support vulnerable women and children in urban informal settlements and marginalized rural villages through education, health and micro-business assistance in order to lift whole families out of poverty and...

Pakistan Human Development Foundation

Pakistan Human Development Foundation – Allahdin Group of Companies – a service to Pakistan’s Agriculture expanded and developed as an integral part of the Agriculture of Pakistan. The progress and prosperity have been the vision to pave the way towards the development. PHDF successfully...

Community Rural Engaement on Sustainability Initiative Uganda- CORESI_U

CBO (community-based organization) was established to run a Waste Management Center (WMC) which will treat both Fecal sludge (FS) and Solid waste (SW) collected by the sanitation workers of the WMC and brought directly to the facility by others. Waste collection fees, sale of various treated end...

Hope To Mankind Foundation

Hope to Mankind Foundation was formed by a board of directors filled with community leaders who are dedicated to the mission of creating immediate and lasting change in the lives of those in need. The foundation's work with donors and partners is aimed at achieving a more just and egalitarian...

Shule Foundation Inc

Shule Foundation is a registered 501C3 organization working in Uganda that works exclusively with boys ranging in age from 6 to 18 who are living on the streets of Kampala and Mbale. Through various programs - outreaches, skills training, family reunification, sponsorship, counselling and...

Nyamwamba West Women Group for Sustainable Development

Nyamwamba West Women Group for Sustainable Development was started in 2020 by women activists that came together for a louder voice to fight poverty and it's related issues in the families so as to improve on the household income through creation of income generating activities including tree...

SportsWorks Int'l Ngo, Inc.

Founded in 2005, SportsWorks Int'l Ngo, Inc. is an award-winning faith-based sports and education non-profit that primarily serves children in need and at-risk youth. The NGO's mission is to provide sports instruction and training to children, youth and young adults - ages 5 to 25 - help them...

Molo Constituency Forest Association

The continuing growth and the attendant rapid physical expansions increase the pressure on both rural and urban resources. The so called rural crisis is a composite syndrome of resource taping poor planning and overall County Economic Problems. These problems have manifested in inadequate...


Udyama is an Indian NGO in Orissa, working in food security and sustainable rural livelihoods focused action and advocacy. The organization aims to strengthen food security and livelihoods through restoration and sustainable management of natural resources, capacity building of local communities...

International Youth Council - Yemen (IYCY)

IYCY is a leading, independent and neutral non-governmental organization, working nationwide at different levels to promote equitable, inclusive, safe, resilient, sustainable development, deliver humanitarian assistances, and other relevant interventions for a better life and wellbeing of...


We are a charity based in Chesham, Buckinghamshire empowering young people in Africa (and the UK) to help themselves by developing the skills and knowledge needed to find gainful employment or start their own business. We do this by refurbishing donated tools to a high standard and shipping them to...

Society for Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Development

Society for Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Development (SEEED) is a not-for-profit organization in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN-ECOSOC), established in 2014, under the CAMA 1990, CAP 59 with Corporate Affairs Commission, in Federation Laws...

Hope Centre Foundation (HOCEFO)

HOCEFO’s mandate is to ensure that vulnerable rural communities in Uganda have access to sustainable social economic services and are empowered to contribute to sustainable development. This is achieved through utilization of the “human rights based and the community driven approaches” in line with...

SNAP (Special Needs Activity Programs)

SNAP (Special Needs Activity Programs) is a Lebanese NGO that aims to help children with special needs by providing after-school and weekend recreational programmes designed to address their needs. SNAP is in the process of establishing an activity centre that will offer a variety of group and...

Foundation For Orphans Widows Elderly and People With Disabilities (FOWEPWID)

Foundation For Orphans Widows Elderly and People With Disabilities is a community based registered organisation. The firm foundation is based in the community. The community actively gets involved in all activities done for the good of the most vulnerable in the community. They have so far...

Kekirawa Learning Centre

The KLC is a place where children, teenagers, youth and adults are able to learn how to speak, read and write in English, use modern ICT equipment and learn how to apply new media skills, as well as explore new career and business opportunities to enrich their job and life chances and gain self-...

New Chapter Development for Youth (NCDY).

New Chapter Development for Youth (NCDY) is an NGO established in 2004 at grass root level from the initiatives of the people at the grass-root level. Since 2009 it serves at a national level. NCDY is determined to help all people regardless of their gender, marital status, disability, race, color,...