Provision of services / personnel
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Merrill Lynch and the Greenlining Institute announce a $500 million initiative for under-served California communities

In 2003, Merrill Lynch and the Greenlining Institute announced a $500 million initiative to expand small business lending and promote economic opportunities in Asian Pacific, Latino and African-American communities throughout California.
Merrill Lynch and Greenlining Institute announced a $159 million economic partnership for Southern California

In 2000, Merrill Lynch and The Greenlining Institute announced a $159 million three-year initiative to encourage new investments, economic opportunities and home ownership in Asian Pacific, Latino and African-American communities in Southern California and the San Francisco Bay area.
Merrill Lynch commits $5 million to develop "Worldwidekids" Initiative

Sesame Workshop, the non-profit educational organisation behind Sesame Street, and Merrill Lynch have teamed up to launch the WorldwideKids initiative, a groundbreaking financial literacy program for children.
Walmart Stores and the World Environment Center launch a Cleaner Production Partnership in Central America

In 2009, the World Environment Center (WEC), in partnership with Walmart Stores, Inc., launched a major initiative which aimed to increase cleaner production and energy efficiency (CP/EE) practices in two countries, El Salvador and Guatemala.
Walmart partners with Clinton Climate Initiative

In 2007, Former President Bill Clinton announced a new partnership between the Clinton Climate Initiative(CCI) and WalMart Stores Inc., in order to help bring environmentally friendly technologies to cities across the United States and around the world.
Hewlett Packard works with microfinance networks to help scale microfinance

In 2002, Hewlett Packard formed a partnership with a number of microfinance networks (MFIs) and commercial partners working in related areas to explore how technology could be used effectively to help scale microfinance.
Carlson Hotels partners with Childhood to prevent the exploitation of children in the tourism industry

Carlson Hotels Worldwide raised more than $300,000 in 2008 to help end exploitation of children and young women around the world.
Health and Sanitation business partnership in Kibera, Nigeria

SC Johnson, chose to apply "Base of the Pyramid" protocol in Kibera, Nigeria. Working in partnership with Carolina for Kibera and the Coalition of Youth Entrepreneurs, they co-launched the Community Cleaning Services (CCS) business, providing a range of cleaning and disinfecting services for the...
In partnership with WaterAid, Willy and Partner supports rehabilitation of a gravity fed system in Malawi

Willy and Partner, an engineering based consultancy specialising in water supply, is WaterAid's partner in the rehabilitation of an existing gravity fed system at Chagwa in the Machinga District of southern Malawi. Together with Willy and Partner, WaterAid is supporting the local community in...
Thames Water partnered with Age Concern to set up a Reading Silver Surfers Club

In partnership with Age Concern Berkshire, BT and the John Madejski Academy, Thames Water has helped set up a Reading Silver Surfers Club.
PwC helped Fundacion Paraguaya to develop a strategy and business plan for their work in microfinance and education

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) partnered with Fundacion Paraguaya to develop a strategy and business plan for the organisation.
PwC partnered with BasicNeeds to help people with mental illnesses

PwC worked in Ghana with BasicNeeds, an organisation which works to alleviate the suffering of people with mental illnesses. The team acted as a facilitator to develop the organization's strategy and bring together stakeholders to discuss the potential implications of government legislation on...
PwC provides assistance to World Vision Ethiopia staff for capacity development and local market development strategy

PwC assisted World Vision Ethiopia staff to formulate a draft strategy for local market development.
PwC supports minority children education project in collaboration with Save the Children and local government

The PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) team provided support to the Yunnan Minority Basic Education Project (YMBEP), which was formed through a collaboration between Save the Children International and the local government.
Levi Strauss works with NGOs to get involved in disaster response

The Levi Strauss Foundation provides relief grants, organizes employee volunteerism, and matches donations made by Levi Strauss & Co. employees to support communities that have fallen victim to natural disasters.
In partnership with ICRW, Gap Inc. developed a programme to support women's education and capacity in developing countries

Gap Inc. collaborated with the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) to develop P.A.C.E. (Personal Advancement, Career Enhancement), a program to support scholarships and career advancement for women in the developing world.
Gap Inc. and the Door launched a programme to provide job training for underprivileged youth

In 2006, Gap Inc. partnered with "The Door", a New-York City non-profit, to launch a joint job training and internship program for under-served youth. Since then, more than 1,000 youth have participated in the training and it has expanded to additional cities in the U.S.
Gap Inc.supports annual AIDS walks

Gap Inc. has been supporting AIDS walks in New York City and San Francisco for more than a decade through the participation of employees as the largest teams and fundraisers.
Freshfields law firm provides pro bono services and personnel to social service NGOs in London

The Freshfields access to justice programme is most active in London, where they support legal advice centres, including the drop-in centre at Tower Hamlets; many of their partners have volunteered there. These volunteers have also represented clients from the Free Representation Unit appearing...
Lex Mundi Legal Services Allows Social Entrepreneurs To Use Their Top-class Legal Expertise Pro Bono

The Lex Mundi Pro Bono Foundation calls upon Lex Mundi's unique global network of 160 top tier business law firms to provide legal assistance to 'social entrepreneurs' on a pro bono basis. By providing social entrepreneurs with access to critically needed legal assistance, the foundation joins the...