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Action X Consciousness X Tour (ACT)

Action X Consciousness X Tour (ACT Social Awareness Network is a one-stop social learning platform that supports schools, organizations and corporations to organize customized experiential learning activities and social tours in understanding value of social enterprise and various social issues. ...

Global Centre for Compliance, Hazards and Disaster Management (GLOCEHADIM)

The Global Centre for Compliance, Hazards and Disaster Management (GLOCEHADIM) is an academic and research institution in Cameroon that brings together experts in disaster management, relief work and development. The organisation assists disadvantaged groups, and is involved in flood control and...

Refugehouse Cameroon

Refugehouse Cameroon is an organisation that works for less privileged people, including the poor, the elderly, homeless people and children. The organisation distributes food and medicine, and provides housing, schooling and school equipment. Refugehouse also undertakes relief activities during...


LEADS is a Sri Lankan NGO that works for marginalised groups throughout the country, seeksing to address the root causes of poverty, through participatory and rights based approaches. LEADS is involved in child protection, relief and rehabilitation, community development and advocacy work. The...

Movement for Democracy, Development and Transparency

The Movement for Democracy Development and Transparency (MDDT) is an NGO in Cameroon. The organization aims to create a society that promotes social justice and enhances development through the efficient use and management of resources. MMDT members are involved in rehabilitation schemes, and...

RICA Consult (U) Ltd

RICA Consult (U) Ltd is a consultancy firm in ground water studies majoring in Hydrogeological/Geophysical surveys for high yielding borehole sites, drilling contract procurement/supervision, mapping and GIS.

The Ladybug Project Inc.

The Ladybug Project is an American NGO that undertakes innovative education and healthcare social entrepreneurship in Equatorial Guinea and Madagascar. The organisation sends goods (e.g., desks, school supplies) to support the projects it sponsors.

Trauma Intervention and Counselling Service (TICS-Uganda)

Trauma Intervention and Counselling Service ( TICS-UGANDA) is a Ugandan NGO in northern Uganda managed by professionals in the fields of health, social work, psychology and development. The organisation speciafically targets vulnerable groups suffering from the physical effects and psychotrauma...

Depressed and Traumatised People of Uganda (Detrap-U)

Depressed and Traumatised People of Uganda (Detrap-U) is a new Ugandan NGO established by psychosocial/ rehabilitation professionals and victims of traumatic experiences. The organisation aims to use local solutions to alleviate mental and psychological sufferering. Detrap-U is currently involved...

Howardstern R & D

Howardstern R & D is a medical resource humanitarian organization based in Luxembourg. The organisation iscommitted to working with other charities, corporations and governments to improve the delivery of healthcare across the world. In order to maintain the human element of improving...

Hope Alert Network for Development and Local Empowerment (HANDLE)

HANDLE (Hope Alert Network for Development and Local Empowerment) is an NGO that works in Northern Uganda helping victims of war and civil conflict to rebuild their lives. HANDLE programmes provide education, HIV/AIDS care, livelihood enhancement, trauma counselling, micro-credit, and community...

Craft Engineering S.A.

Craft Engineering S.A. is a Belgian based company that designs, manufactures and places in operation units that produce oxygen, nitrogen and acetylene on site. The company also provides water treatment solutions.

Women Development Organization (WDO)

The Women Development Organization (WDO) is an NGO in Balochistan, Pakistan. The organisation aims to assist in the creation of a democratic and justice-based society through the empowerment of women and other marginalised groups through focusing on human rights and development. WDO is involved in...

Cameroon Christian Welfare Medical Foundation (CAMCWEMEF)

The Cameroon Christian Welfare Medical Foundation (CAMCWEMEF) is an NGO aimed at creating access to health care in rural villages. The organisation runs a prevention campaign on neglected tropical diseases, organises outreach health programmes (home visits) and distributes micro nutrients....

Doors of Hope Foundation

The Doors of Hope Foundation is a Malawian NGO that promotes community health and integrated development nationwide. The organisation focuses on human rights ans democracy, education, health and nutrition, water and sanitation, food security and women and girls' empowerment. It works with community...

Environmental Conservation and Agricultural Enhancement Uganda (Eco-Agric Uganda)

Environmental Conservation and Agricultural Enhancement Uganda (Eco-Agric Uganda) is an NGO that focuses on environmental conservation,agricultural enhancement, advocacy and provision of livelihood development support programmes to communities. Eco-Agric Uganda establishes technology demonstration...

Bangkok Free Ambulance (BFA)

The Bangkok Free Ambulance (BFA) is a service in Thailand that assists with Thai and foreign accidents and/or deaths. Its primary service is the provision of medical care. The BFA also works with other foundations, police, government, communities, and embassies in EMS care and education. BFA is...

Casa Cittadini Foundation Inc

The Casa Cittadini is a home for orphaned, abandoned and neglected girls in who have been deprived of the physical, moral, spiritual and educational care of a family. The home, situated in Valencia, Oriental Negros in the Philippines, was built with the help of Ursuline sisters in Somasca,...

Centre for Agricultural and Pastoral Training (CAPAT)

The Centre for Agricultural and Pastoral Training (CAPAT) is an NGO in Cameroon. The Centre trains young Cameroonians in agricultural and pastoral farming techniques, and provides interest free micro credit to small farming groups in a bid to increase agricultural productivity and reduce rural...

Hope For All / Care Givers Foundation

Hope For All / Care Givers Foundation works amongst the less privileged,orphans and youths. we provide all kinds of services that can help alleviate poverty in our country.our authorization from the government is that of service provider. therefor any organization can partner with us if they are...