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Bethany Relief and Rehabilitation International

Bethany Relief and Rehabilitation International is a Canadian faith-based medical NGO working in East Africa for children with disabilities. Much of the organisation's focus is on providing surgery to children with a variety of medical conditions including spina bifida, hydrocephalus, burns,...

Rivers of Living Water Mission

Rivers of Living Water Missions is a local church registered under the Registrar of Societies ACT of Zambia. Among the objectives and purposes of the organization are the provision of Bibles and Biblical literature, foodstuff, financial support, clothing, and medical supplies to the vulnerable...


OCIA is a multi-layered non-profit organization focused to ensure that adequate care and support are provided to both orphans and vulnerable children abandoned by parents and families. OCIA assists such children to be educated and trained so as to be successful and useful members who can contribute...


Education in Cameroon, although constitutionally guaranteed, falls short in execution. Undeniable disparities hinder educational access for poor, disabled, indigenous and refugee children, particularly disadvantaged girls. Issues ranging from sexual harassment, unplanned pregnancies and early...

Trees for Kenya

Trees for Kenya is a Non-governmental organization formed in the year 2012. The organization has been involved with activities aimed at fighting change through restorations of some of the most degraded forest lands here in Kenya, supporting farmers to undertake farm forestry and also greening...

Mission for Emancpation, Empowerment and Development Sierra Leone ( MEED/SL)

ABOUT MEED/SL After realizing that Social Emancipation, Empowerment and Development strides inclusive of persons in the above categories to equally progress along the social ladder and play crucial role, development is still at a serious decline. Successful consultative engagements and campaign...

Haitian Christian Outreach

Haitian Christian Outreach partners with Haitian Christians to transform a culture for Christ. HCO is building generations of new believers through work in four primary areas. Through Church Planting to equip Haitian leaders. HCO ministers to Children by meeting their educational,...

Third Planet Foundation

Third Planet Foundation is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) implementation organization registered as a Section 8 (not-for-profit) in the year 2012. The Foundation is working on diverse thematic areas aligned to Schedule VII, Section 135 of the Companies Act 2013 guidelines. Third...


Udyama is an Indian NGO in Orissa, working in food security and sustainable rural livelihoods focused action and advocacy. The organization aims to strengthen food security and livelihoods through restoration and sustainable management of natural resources, capacity building of local communities...

International Youth Council - Yemen (IYCY)

IYCY is a leading, independent and neutral non-governmental organization, working nationwide at different levels to promote equitable, inclusive, safe, resilient, sustainable development, deliver humanitarian assistances, and other relevant interventions for a better life and wellbeing of...

SNAP (Special Needs Activity Programs)

SNAP (Special Needs Activity Programs) is a Lebanese NGO that aims to help children with special needs by providing after-school and weekend recreational programmes designed to address their needs. SNAP is in the process of establishing an activity centre that will offer a variety of group and...


Uganda Christian Institute for Professional Development is a community based and non profit making organization that works with the communities to address the challenges faced by the youth through provision of education and training for effective livelihood improvement. UCIPD was formed in 2010...

Y-Source International (Hong Kong) Limited

Y-Source International (Hong Kong) Limited is an international freight forwarding company. The company primarily concentrates on airfreight, oceanfreight and railway freight transportation worldwide as well as customs brokerage and worldwide project business.

The Eastern Home Foundation Uganda

Area/sector of activities -Amongst our activities, we do Promotion of good environment, livelihood promotion, HIV/AIDS Prevention, combat trafficking, empowering the Sexual Minority with moral support and free health care, youth, women and children development, promoting the rights of religious ...

Action for Environmental Sustainability (AFES)

Action for Environmental Sustainability (AFES) is a Malawian NGO. The organisation aims to address environmental degradation and poverty in communities of Malawi. Current activities include forestry regeneration initiatives, sustainable energy, environmental advocacy and awareness raising, and...

Solidarité Internationale pour l'Afrique

Solidarité Internationale pour l'Afrique (SIA) is a Malian NGO engaged in relief and development work in poor rural communities. SIA aims to contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of rural populations. Target groups are children and adolescents and young farmers' organisations....

Salariin Kampuchea - Schools in Cambodia Verified non-profit organisation

Salariin Kampuchea is a Cambodian NGO that provides high quality, free-of-charge, non-formal education to more than 300 children and youth from disadvantaged families in Siem Reap. The organisation engages the community in the value of education and encourages parents to support their children’s...

International Centre For Environmental Education and Community Development (ICENECDEV)

Background Information ICENECDEV (International Center for Environmental Education & Community Development) was established in 2005, with registration number: 43/G.37/D.14/1/ VOL.BAPP/ in accordance of law Number. 90/53 of December 1990 under article 7 relating to the formation,...

Life Charities, Inc. dba Rescue Task Force

Serving since 1988, RESCUE TASK FORCE is a global 9-1-1 VOLUNTEER disaster relief organisation. Rescue Task Force medical teams respond to areas which have never had outside contact. We build and equip regional medical clinics in deep jungle communities and provide villagers with safe water. ...

Centre for Public Health

Center for Public Health is a not for profit organization registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). It has a tax exemption certification from Federal in Land Revenue Services (FIRS). The organization was initially founded at the college of medicine at the University of Nigeria Enugu...