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M25 Ministries

M25 Ministries is an American Christian organisation that sends missions to Romania and developing countries in order to spread the Christian message and to assist needy communities in various ways. In Romania, for example, the organisation has provided medical asisstance to people from the Roma...

In: Stories

A to Z Textile Mills: A Public Private Partnership Providing Long-Lasting Anti-Malaria Bed Nets to the Poor in Tanzania

Malaria, transmitted through mosquito bites, kills a million people worldwide each year. In 2004, A to Z Textile Mills of Tanzania became the sole African producer of long-lasting insecticide treated bed nets, able to kill mosquitoes on contact for five years without retreatment and resistant to...

In: Videos

A short introduction to Microfinance by

A graphical, easy-to-understand video about how microfinance works.

In: Videos

FSG: Elevating job skills worldwide

The Foundation Strategy Group (FSG) is a nonprofit consulting firm specializing in strategy, evaluation and research.

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Mi Tienda helps small grocery stores in rural Mexico to grow their businesses

Small, family-run grocery stores, known as tiendas de abarrotes, are essential for supplying basic goods and services in thousands of low-income rural communities in Mexico.

In: Videos

Mommy & Daddy Do It Pro Bono

Video published by the Taproot Foundation to explain Pro Bono to children.

In: Videos

Pro Bono in Action

"Pro Bono in Action" is a video made by the Taproot Foundations Pro Bono Action Tank (PBAT)

In: Videos

Black Eyed Peas Peapod Foundation and Adobe Youth Voices Public Service Announcement

The Peapod Foundation, created by the Black Eyed Peas, collaborated with Adobe Youth Voices, a non-profit spearheaded by The Adobe Foundation, to create a new public service announcement to demonstrates the power of the arts and technology to engage youth from underserved communities.

American Autism Association

The American Autism Association’s is an NGO whose aim is to increase awareness of the many and varied difficulties individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder face as children and adults. The organisation exists to help low income families struggling with autism to reach their potential and live...

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Partnerships bring fuel services to northern Mozambique medical clinics

In a country with 500 doctors for almost 20 million people, initiatives that can expand the reach of health services to rural people are in critical demand but in short supply. In northern Mozambique, the big challenge for health clinics is the lack of reliable fuel to light medical operations and...

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Vodafone and Safaricom Kenya: Extending the Range and Reliability of Financial Services to the Poor in Rural Kenya

Kenya has fewer than 2 million bank accounts serving 32 million people. To bridge the gap, Safaricom Kenya, one of two mobile service providers in Kenya, developed a technological solution in partnership with Vodafone. The result was MPESA, an electronic money transfer product to make financial...

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Strategic partnerships improve child health in Mali

Pésinet, devised in 2002 by Brussels-based Afrique Initiatives, is an early warning method for monitoring the health conditions of children from low-income families. Its concept is simple: mothers subscribe to Pésinet’s services for a nominal fee, and in return a local Pésinet representative weighs...

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Parternships in Belarus providing affordable Health Care to the Poor

Cardiovascular diseases are common among the population of Belarus. Belarus lacks quick cardiac diagnostic and treatment services in many remote areas outside of major cities. Telemedicine offers a solution to this problem by connecting a doctor in a local hospital with a cardiac specialist in a...

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Sanofi-aventis and WHO partner to fight sleeping sickness in Africa

Sanofi-aventis, the largest pharmaceutical company in Europe and the fourth-largest in the world, began a partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2001 to fight sleeping sickness and other neglected diseases affecting the world’s poorest people.

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Line-up of top UK law firms pitch in with pro bono help for riot-hit businesses

Linklaters, Eversheds and DLA Piper are among a raft of top 20 UK law firms to have offered pro bono legal support to victims of the London riots.

In: Stories

Kohl's Department Stores Donates $250,000 to Support Hurricane Irene Relief Efforts

Kohl’s Department Stores has donated $250,000 to the American Red Cross toward Hurricane Irene relief efforts.

In: Stories

Microsoft and Nethope partner to provide humanitarian disaster relief

Since 2005, Microsoft has partnered closely with NetHope to explore how IT can more effectively foster collaboration, drive innovation, and transform technology use in development and humanitarian relief efforts around the world.

CHIC (Creating High Impact Concepts)

CHIC (Creating High Impact Concepts) is a management consultancy group in India that offers support on fundraising skills and strategies, and networks with corporates,individuals and celebrities in India through events coaching and outsourcing services. The group has operated for more than 16 years...

Royal Climate Care

Royal Climate Care is an Indian company that provides services relating to energy, the environment, climate change, carbon markets and sustainable development.

In: Stories

Corporate charitable partnerships come alive with Five Talents

Five Talents UK, a microfinance charity, has secured several corporate partnerships which have had a transformative effect.