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In: Stories

Ernst & Young (E&Y) helps to improve social conditions in the developing world

Through the Corporate Responsibility Fellows program, Ernst & Young is dedicating its best resources - talented, experienced people - to improving the success of promising entrepreneurs in underserved communities, to help create scalable sustainable economic value.

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Pfizer's Global Health Fellows Programme - an established and comprehensive cross-border service initiative

Pfizer’s Global Health Fellows Program (GHF) is an international corporate volunteer program that places Pfizer colleagues in three to six month assignments with international development organizations designed to address global health issues and improve care for underserved populations.

In: Stories

Linking Traditional Banking with Modern Finance: Barclays Microbanking - Susu Collectors Initiative

Susu collection, practiced for more three centuries in Africa, is an informal arrangement for mobilizing savings deposits from clients. Operators collect a predetermined installment of money from their client, daily or weekly. With about 4,000 active Susu collectors in Ghana and each serving...

In: Stories

Delta Partners and Ericsson support mobile application that reconnects refugees with loved ones

In support of the hundreds of thousands of refugees who have fled from conflict and disaster areas, Refugees United with Ericsson and Refugees United, in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and mobile operator MTN in Uganda, have launched the first project to...

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KPMG, partnering with the Refugee Council, helps refugees through its mentoring programme

Since 2005, KPMG has partnered with the Refugee Council UK to help refugees with experience working in the finance industry in their countries of origin overcome barriers to employment in the UK. It does this through a mentorship program which partners KPMG volunteers with refugees to guide them...

In: Stories

ITT partners with Mercy Corps to provide emergency relief

ITT Corporation announced a strategic partnership with Mercy Corps as part of its corporate philanthropy program, ITT Watermark. The partnership includes a three-year, $1 million commitment to help provide safe water during emergencies created by natural catastrophes such as floods, droughts and...

In: Stories

IBLF launches anti-corruption programme in India

With a two-decade track record of running pioneering anti-corruption programmes for companies in Russia, UK, China and Vietnam, IBLF has launched a programme in India - "Business Standards for Smart Growth" - to help companies curb corruption. The programme has a steering group of senior executives...

In: Stories

CHF International and Caterpillar are Finalists for BCLC’s Partnership Award

Since the earthquake of January 12, 2010, CHF International has been working hard, partnering with Haitian communities to help them recover from the devastating effects of the disaster and the challenges they have faced since then.

Ekwonye Foundation

The Ekwonye Foundation is a Nigerian NGO that aims to relieve poverty, aid the sick and the aged, and to promote the Nigeria through audio-visual productions and entertainment programmes and services. The Foundation provides social services, educational and recreational programmes and activities,...

Quintos Primary School

Quintos Primary School is a community primary school established by parents in Gganda Village, Wakiso District, Uganda with a view to helping childern from poor families access quality education.

The International Good Samaritan Mission/Mission for Improvement and Boosting Organizational Services to the Community (MIBOS)

The Mission for Improvement and Boosting Organisational Services to the Communities (MIBOS) is an NGO comprising a number of community groups in and around Kigoma, Tanzania. MIBOS undertakes and promotes development projects in health care, income generation, nutrition and capacity building...

In: Stories

Legal cell in university campus to give free aid

NOIDA: For the first time in the country, a legal cell has been established within the premises of a university that will provide free legal aid to people from the weaker sections of society.

Ahimsa International

Ahimsa International is an NGO based in the USA and in South America. The organisation aims to bring to light a scientific diagnosis of the range of social and ecological threats to makind's shared future, and to facilitate access to a spectrum of scientific solutions. The organisation develops ...

In: Stories

New Partnership for TB Control Links the Ethiopian Ministry of Health and Private Sector

Work by the Abt Associates-led USAID Private Sector Programme (PSP) helped the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health create a new partnership between the public and private healthcare sectors to improve access to Tuberculosis (TB) treatment.

In: Stories

Public-Private Partnership Provides Health Insurance for the Poor in the Republic of Georgia

Since 2004, the USAID-funded, Abt Associates-led CoReform Project has provided on-the-ground technical assistance to the Government of Georgia. The assistance focuses on exploring different health financing, health policy, and service delivery options to overcome barriers to high quality health...

In: Stories

Taproot Foundation works with non-profit organisations

Taproot is a non-profit organisation that engages design, marketing, IT, strategic management, and human resources professionals in pro bono to build the infrastructure of other non-profit organisations.

In: Stories

USAID helps to develop rural microfinance organisations in Mexico

USAID, through a university partnership between Ohio State University and Colegio de Postgraduados en Ciencias Agrícolas, is working to facilitate the development and growth of microfinance institutions serving rural areas in Mexico.

In: Stories

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation makes financial services accessible to the poor

The Financial Services for the Poor initiative created by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provides poor people with reliable access to a range of safe, affordable financial tools and services intended to help them build better, healthier lives.

In: Stories

Santander Microcrédito (Banco Real ABN AMRO) works with Accion to support small businesses in Brazil

Santander Microcrédito, an initiative by Banco Real ABN AMRO, offers small loans to growing businesses that lack access to conventional forms of credit.

In: Stories

Citi Microfinance: Expanding Access to Financial Services

The global financial services company, Citi, has a 40-year history of philanthropic and technical support in microfinance.