This offer is no longer available to non-profit organisations.

ONGOING OFFER: Provision of 30 Litre Rotary Barrels for easier collection of potable water by women and children.

General information

Overall description

To work with partners including NGOs, agencies, voluntary groups, charities etc,. to provide 30 litre Rotary Water Barrels to replace the dirty unhealthy containers, buckets, jerry cans etc currently used by women and children to collect non potable water.

The majority collect over long distances (up to 3/4 kilometres) carrying heavy weights on their heads, backs, shoulders or at arms length.

Provision of barrels has been clearly demonstrated to relieve the stress of carrying heavy weights, improve the health of children immediately and have longer term benefits in reducing dramatically organ compression and improving natural skeletal development. Also reducing time collecting water to provide opportunities for education both academic for children and health and welfare for women. More time provides for social interaction and even mini or micro enterprise opportunities. Rotary Water Barrels have an immediate affect. They have an potential working life of 10 years (possibly more). This is not a one-off offer. It is on-going.


We are able to provide IMMEDIATELY up to 1,000 units which are partly funded. Rotary Water Barrels cost approximately £35/$50US to produce, delivered to exit port UK. We can provide up to 1,000 per week currently but production can be increased if required.

Partnership types

Advocacy of global issues; Doing business with the poor; Project funding; Provision all (5)

Further information


Central African Republic; East Africa Drought; Haiti: Earthquakes - Jan 2010; all (12)

Global issues

Children, youth and family welfare; Community development; Education and training; all (6)

Regions / countries / territories

Africa: 26 countries (show) Americas: 15 countries (show) Asia: 13 countries (show) Europe: Republic of Moldova; Romania Middle East: 5 countries (show)

Goods details

Goods description

Rotary Barrels that can be used to transport larger quantities of water over long distances in a fraction of the time. The Rotary Barrels are of 30 litre capacity. Produced from 1st grade material, these barrels are robust with a skin thickness of 4/5mm. Each barrel comes with tires which raises it off the ground to take account of uneven surfaces. Each barrel comes with a detachable handle. Each barrel has a filler cap to retain liquid whilst being transported. An empty barrel weighs 5.3 kilos and can be handled easily by a child as young as 4 years. Barrels have an effective life of 10 years (possibly more).

Type(s) of goods

Home appliances & supplies




Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom


These goods are produced to order and will be replaced if delivered damaged to the exit port.

Frequency (one-off or ongoing)

I will be offering these goods on an ongoing basis.

Cost of goods

There is a cost.
We are able to help with costs for groups or organisations who work in small quantities. We cannot provide rotary Barrels to large agencies on a cost free funded basis.


I can transport these goods (or cover cost of transport).


Expiry dates are not relevant to these goods.


These goods are new.


50 USD


United Kingdom



Load size

Minimum 45 units per destination 4.5 k each boxed 50cm x 35 x 35


These goods may be divided between recipients.



Organisation details

Organisation name

The Roll Out the Barrel Trust

Annual turnover (US$)

Less than 500,000

Contact details

Only verified non-profit organisations who have exchanged contact details may view this.


  • Contact details exchanged
    10 Apr 2013 08:03 GMT

    Blythswood Care Verified non-profit organisation
    (Verified non-profit organisation)

    Phil Shorthouse says: Blythswood care is working in partnership with a Cry in the Dark project located in an isolated village called Negustorului, near Bacau, Eastern Romania.
    Basically, 760 families, of gypsy origin,acute,dire fresh water facilities. At present they obtain water from one open topped well.It is the women and girls/children who collect the water.

    The water pumps to the school have broken and the school toilets are horrendous.

    A global grant is be prepared, which will be considered next April 2014 by Rotary International, to reinstate water to the school and build new toilets.

    In addition this summer we are hoping to get a team working with Lafarge cement Romania, to build a concrete base surround to the one working well. I go out on the 28th April to carry out a full needs anaylsis of the water well issues.

    We would welcome some of these barrels to help the women and children collect water.

    I am based in Kent and I have to travel to North Wales next Monday 22nd to coordinate the loading of a 38tonne truck going out to Romania on the 23rd April.

    I would be more than welcome to call into your premises and bring photographic/video evendence of this problem, the need and our vision.

    Regards. Phil Shorthouse

  • Contact details exchanged
    10 Apr 2013 09:36 GMT

    Smile International

    Smile International says: Smile International is working in Uganda and Zimbabwe where access to safe water is often restricted. These barrels would provide the families and communities we support with a means to collect and transport the water safely. We are planning a shipment of aid to our projects in Uganda later in the year and would love to be able to send these barrels on that shipment.

    Please have a look at our website and our facebook page to see some of the work we are doing. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our work.

  • Contact details exchanged
    10 Apr 2013 09:54 GMT

    Buddu Social Development Association (BUSODA) Verified non-profit organisation
    (Verified non-profit organisation)

    Buddu Social Development Association (BUSODA) says: Buddu Social Development Association (BUSODA) is a local NGO registered with National NGO Board in Uganda in 1998. It is a chariable Organisation working with Orphans and Vulnerable children ( OVC), disadvataged youth and the women groups in Buddu region ( Greater Masaka)in southern Uganda. It works with poor rural communities in the area.

    Safe water coverage is only 47%. piped water is found in towns or Urban areas.

    People especially women and children in the villages have to fetch water on their heads for long distances ( 5-8 kms)from the unprotected water sources in the swamps.

    We would like barrels to assistant children and women in collecting water for domestic use.
    On a long -term basis we are planning to construct low-cost rain water harvesting tanks for the households to overcome water scarcity challenges.

    The water Barrels can be shipped to Kampala City Uganda Via Mombasa Port - Kenya.

    Water is life. The assistance you will give to the Vulnerable Children and Women to have water is welcome.

    yours Sincerely
    Daudi Ssentamu
    Executive Director

  • Contact details exchanged
    10 Apr 2013 02:10 GMT

    Hope and Aid Direct Verified non-profit organisation
    (Verified non-profit organisation)

    Janet Young says: Hope and Aid Direct would use a small quantity of these for Roma and non Roma families in rural areas of Kosovo. Our next convoy leaves on Friday but we can warehouse store them until our Autumn convoy loads up. In Kosovo we work with the Mother Teresa Society to distribute aid to destitute families.
    Our website is please do have a look. Please phone me if there are any queries.

  • Commented
    10 Apr 2013 04:56 GMT

    Abang Ashu Academy (3A)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Bishop Abang Anthony Ashu says: we of abang ashu academy charity home wish to receive your offer of 30 litre Rotary Barrels to be use in our charity home day care in eyangntui village.
    Rev ABANG

  • Commented
    01 May 2013 09:29 GMT

    Namugongo Youth and Women Development Association (YWDAN)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    pauline Zalwango says: We are Namugongo Youth and Women Development Association (YWDAN), a Community Based Organization in Uganda, carrying out development work. Oou areas of operation include water and sanitation, vocational skills training, community health outreach, and environment protection campaigns. we would request for the offer of these containers to enrich our water and sanitation programs.

    For further information we are ready to avail.

    Pauline Zalwango

  • Commented
    01 May 2013 05:21 GMT

    Revelation Children's Ministries International
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Micheal and Esther Erwachu says: ma ma ma ma we are deeply in need of these item we read about your innovation when you responded on our request help transport the container but we were still waiting to hear from you as we wrote to you and then after we were going to contact you about the barrels please we have liked it and we hope you will consider us thank you in advance
    hopping to hear from you soon
    yours in need

  • Commented
    02 May 2013 02:03 GMT

    Namugongo Youth and Women Development Association (YWDAN)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    pauline Zalwango says: I think it is not only a matter of who requested first, but there are other considerations by the one who made this offer and it will depend on her/him to decide who to take the offer.

    Thank you.

  • Commented
    09 May 2013 02:27 GMT

    Centre for the Development of Liberian Youths
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Amos Torh Gardy, II says: Center for the Development of Liberian Youths is a children and youth focus initiative organization which aimed at developing leadership abilities in children and youth between the ages of 8 to 16 and 16 to 25 and at the same time preparing them for the future. Center for the Development of Liberian Youths has been working on youth activities for the past one year in Liberia within the Liberian communities. Center for the Development of Liberian Youths work in the area of capacity building, trainings, peace & security, rule of law & anticorruption, business development, scholarships, food production and sports. We are currently working on a water project to provide safe drinking water for three of our projects locations. the barrels will be very helpful to our project here in Liberia.

  • Commented
    26 May 2013 05:33 GMT

    Revelation Children's Ministries International
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Micheal and Esther Erwachu says: ma ma ma ma we are deeply in need of these item we read about your innovation when you responded on our request help transport the container but we were still waiting to hear from you as we wrote to you and then after we were going to contact you about the barrels please we have liked it and we hope you will consider us thank you in advance
    hopping to hear from you soon
    yours in need

  • Commented
    29 May 2013 07:15 GMT

    Divine Peace Ministries
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Namutebi Edith says: Divine Peace Ministries is interested in this offer.

  • Commented
    30 May 2013 01:53 GMT

    Eminent Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Adefemi Sharaf says: Eminent Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation - Nigeria is a non profit oriented organization, we need these containers to help people of the affected part with cholera in the state of Osun Nigeria, (details of this cholera in on the internet with special reference to this website of the Global hand). We believe these 30 litre Rotary Barrels will help the dwellers of these deprived communities to enjoy their lifestyles.

  • Commented
    30 May 2013 01:53 GMT

    Eminent Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Adefemi Sharaf says: Eminent Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation - Nigeria is a non profit oriented organization, we need these containers to help people of the affected part with cholera in the state of Osun Nigeria, (details of this cholera in on the internet with special reference to this website of the Global hand). We believe these 30 litre Rotary Barrels will help the dwellers of these deprived communities to enjoy their lifestyles.

  • Commented
    30 May 2013 01:53 GMT

    Eminent Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Adefemi Sharaf says: Eminent Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation - Nigeria is a non profit oriented organization, we need these containers to help people of the affected part with cholera in the state of Osun Nigeria, (details of this cholera in on the internet with special reference to this website of the Global hand). We believe these 30 litre Rotary Barrels will help the dwellers of these deprived communities to enjoy their lifestyles.

  • Commented
    08 Jun 2013 06:21 GMT

    Revelation Children's Ministries International
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Micheal and Esther Erwachu says: hello we are still waiting for your respond we are really on need of those rotary Barrels

  • Commented
    13 Jun 2013 07:08 GMT

    Guildance Community Development Foundation Verified non-profit organisation
    (Verified non-profit organisation)

    ADISA KABIRU ADENIYI says: Guildance Community Development Foundation (GCDF) is a Community based Nigerian Non Governmental Organization (NGO), Not for Profit and Non-Political registered under part ‘C ’with the Corporate Affairs Commission in Nigeria. GCDF is a registered member of Civil Society Organization working on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria.
    Guildance Community Development Foundation has been up and doing in provision of clean water in South western Nigeria since year 2000. We will like to receive up to 1,000 units of 30 litre Rotary Barrels for easier collection of potable water by women and children.
    You can send it to: c/o Adisa Kabiru Adeniyi,113 Oke Odo,Iwo, Osun State,Nigeria.

  • Commented
    19 Jun 2013 05:47 GMT

    Hillary Mainga Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    HILLARY MAINGA says: We need these barrels because they will help the rural women in western kenya be able to use them in accessing and storing clean water.Please reach us on our

  • Commented
    17 Jul 2013 07:17 GMT

    Age Care Development Uganda
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Age Care Dev -Uganda says: Age Care Development Uganda is a charity organisation for the aged people who need this kind of support as they curry water from a distance and really these containers will help them.
    We will like to receive up to 1,000 units of 30 litre Rotary Barrels for easier collection of potable water by women and children. We will like to receive up to 1,000 units of 30 litre Rotary Barrels for easier collection of potable water by women and children. (see

  • Commented
    09 Aug 2013 08:14 GMT

    Global Welfare Association (GLOWA)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Global Welfare Association (GLOWA) says: I write on behalf of GLOWA to express our interest in receiving 30 litres Rotary Barrels for collection of water. GLOWA is a nongovernmental organization dedicated to upholding the right of children in Cameroon. We are active is addressing child abuse through trafficking/exploitation, rape and physical abuse.
    Our orphan support program offers academic, material and nutritional support to children with limited parental care in most rural communities of the North West Region.
    Your donation shall support orphans and their care givers in fetching water in the rural communities in Momo Division.
    Thanks for your respond
    Sincerely Yours
    Jamils Richard Achunji Anguaseh

  • Commented
    23 Aug 2013 06:35 GMT

    Friends of Orphans Revival Ministries
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    MR. OJAMBOH PAUL says: FRIENDS OF ORPHANS REVIVAL MINISTRIES sows into something bigger than itself through challenging, committed long term partnership with international NGOS. Our vision is to empower, encourage, equip and enable the vulnerable and the oppressed for self reliance and healthy living.

    Our main objectives are to educate orphans and vulnerable children, and to eradicate HIV/AIDS by providing information and educational scholarships. In battling the AIDS epidemic rampant in Uganda, we strive to uplift and support the disadvantaged, to alleviate poverty, and most especially to reintegrate AIDS orphans into formal living accommodations and learning facilities. We endeavor to educate and empower all those oppressed with this modern day tribulation, and their guardians.

    WE WOULD TO express our interest in receiving 500 , 30 litres Rotary Barrels for collection of water check us on

  • Commented
    17 Sep 2013 02:34 GMT

    Destined Child International Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    JOHN ONWUBIKO says: Destined Child International Foundation is a not for profit organization incorporated in Nigeria under the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC/IT/NO. 36651)

    It is a non-faith based organization committed to help reduce the scourge of poverty in Africa, by reaching out to the orphans, widows and the less privileged in African region starting in Nigeria.

    Destined Child International Foundation, as a not for profit Organization aims at provision of support and care for the Orphans, Widows and less privileged in the society.

    We are destined to do all we can, with the help of the local and wider International global community.

    Our mission is set out as follows:
    • To cater for the orphans, widows, children and the less privileged in the society
    • To provide shelter for the orphans and the street children.
    • To enlighten and educate them on the basics and necessary issues of life
    i. Basic Education
    ii. Skill acquisition
    iii. Healthy Living
    iv. Fundamental rights
    • To create an opportunity for integration of the orphans and the less privileged into the society
    • To improve the welfare of less privileged widows in Africa on methods of wealth creation
    • To assist indigent & other vulnerable members of the society

    We are interesting in your offer. you can contact us

  • Commented
    26 Sep 2013 07:58 GMT

    Abaana Rural Outreach Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Abaana Rural Outreach Foundation says: we are an indigenousCommunity based organisation called Abaana Rural Outreach Foundation that was established to provide support to HIV positive children, orphans, disadvantaged youths and HIV positive women by laying emphasis on education, health and economic empowerment and community development in the communities. Our mission is to influence a sustainable social, and economic change to create positive impacts in communities infected and affected by HIV&AIDS.
    We understand that the organisation to succeed in its programs or projects requires a strong network of caring individuals and service providers if it is to help create systemic change, improve lives in the communities, and serve as a model of effective practices for reducing social problem.
    women and children especially HIV positive and orphans in our communities fetch water on their heads for long distances for a distance of approximately 10km from unprotected sources and swamps. We would like the barrels to assistant our vulnerable households and selected community schools in collecting and have access to water for domestic use and improve on their health in the long run because it reduces on the long distances to be traved by these HIV positive women and children, as well as orphans.
    we are therefore interested in becoming your partner in uganda to serve the above marginarised groups.

    Kind Regards
    John Bosco
    Representative Director

  • Commented
    26 Nov 2013 08:04 GMT

    Commonwealth Peoples Association of Uganda (CPAUG) Verified non-profit organisation
    (Verified non-profit organisation)

    Commonwealth Peoples Association of Uganda says: Is this offer still available so that we can place an offer for our CBOs in water hard hit areas in Uganda like Karamoja region

    Thank you


  • Commented
    27 Nov 2013 08:06 GMT

    Covenant Promises Outreach
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Covenant Promises says: We are based in Uganda where access to safe water is often restricted. These barrels would provide the families and communities we support with a means to collect and transport the water safely.Email (Director Covenant Promises Outreach.)

  • Commented
    16 Mar 2014 07:05 GMT

    Revelation Children's Ministries International
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Micheal and Esther Erwachu says: thank you so much we work with children and we shall be grateful if you consider working with us
    Thank you for supporting us
    Micheal and Esther
    Executive Operation Directors
    Revelation Ministries
    P.0 Box 1237
    Jinja Uganda
    Tel : +256772828280 /+256776218880

  • Commented
    21 Apr 2014 01:09 GMT

    Central Co-Ordination Committee of Minority Relief and Rehabililtation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Central Co-Ordination Committee of Minority Relief And Rehabilitation N.G.O says: dear sir
    we want to received your offer kindly respons us thank you.

  • Commented
    02 May 2014 05:56 GMT

    Luma Consult
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Luma Consult says: we would like to assist in the distibution of the items in kenya. We shall be sending a profile of our organization if requested. Thank you

  • Commented
    05 May 2014 09:43 GMT

    Central Co-Ordination Committee of Minority Relief and Rehabililtation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Central Co-Ordination Committee of Minority Relief And Rehabilitation N.G.O says: Subject :- To have partnership with our N.G.O Namely CCCMRR N.G.O
    Sir ,
    With most regard we the CCCMRR (N.G.O) is very newly and this CCCMRR (N.G.O) was formed after the clash between Bodo’s and Muslim in the year 2012 on 22nd july after that by looking the economic condition of the Muslim and other , at that time we the few unemployed boys join together to from an N.G.O . As we come to know that we need your partnership with most regard, we hope that you will join us and help us to develop our societies .
    So, there fore we request you to look over this and help us in our problem we shall be ever grateful to you…
    Thanking you…
    Yours faithfully
    Saidur Islam Nurul Islam
    Please see our facebook page :-

  • Commented
    03 Jun 2014 03:45 GMT

    National Women's Welfare Society
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    NATIONAL WOMENS WELFARE SOCIETY says: NATIONAL WOMENS WELFARE SOCIETY says: We would like to receive materials for the use of orphans and children from ,poor,needy and marginalized community.

    NATIONAL WOMENS WELFARE SOCIETY are a pure non profit organization in MAHARASHTRA INDIA. working for the development of people SINCE 1991 with disabilities, orphan children, single women, elderly people. POOR. NEEDY SHELTER-LESS and natural victims.

    It would be great support if you made available such materials for the use of such group NATIONAL URDU HIGH SCHOOL,MODERN URDU HIGH SCHOOL, MODERN URDU PRIMARY SCHOOL. and other community

    You are welcome to visit us any time to monitor our activities. PLEASE HELP US GIVING THE TEACHING MATERIALS.

    Thanking you for your kind cooperation. MAY GOD REWARD YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK.

  • Commented
    04 Jun 2014 01:08 GMT

    Central Co-Ordination Committee of Minority Relief and Rehabililtation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Central Co-Ordination Committee of Minority Relief And Rehabilitation N.G.O says: Dear sir,
    we are most welcome at the most affected area of B.T.A.D Assam, sir you know that the 2012 21st july affected by the extremes and huge of people lost there life,rights, and also huge of number house was burnt in this same time. The large numbers of Muslim Women like widowed, divorce, and child's their have no any opportunity earn so they fall in danger to their family maintaining and also the child's are lost there educational opportunities. So sir we need your help to our most affected area and we believe that you most understand our problems thanks again.
    you can contact us through as following.
    Ph. +919957481462
    Ph. +917399502567
    web site

  • Commented
    09 Jun 2014 09:59 GMT

    Manzi Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Aloys Manzi says: Manzi Foundation is a UK-registered charity working with communities in East African Community specifically in Rwanda, Burundi, RDC, Tanzania and Uganda, providing them with the basic services they need to help them fight poverty.
    We would be delighted to accept your offer which can help our needy communities in Rwanda, DRC, Tanzania, Burundi, and South of Sudan.

    Yours sincerely,

    Aloys Manzi
    Manzi Foundation

  • Commented
    16 Jun 2014 04:14 GMT

    Kazi Youths East African Organisatioon (KYEA)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Abel Isreal Kisubi says: we are interested in the offer.please kindly contact us on +256701498372 / +256714884865 or email us on,thank you

  • Commented
    24 Jun 2014 11:28 GMT

    Community Development Centre
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Ameen Charles says: how can we take this

  • Commented
    28 Jul 2014 02:28 GMT

    Agro EnviroTech outreach initiatives limited
    (For-profit organisation)

    michel peter kyejussa nakedde says: Dear Sir
    we are interested in this offer as part of our portfolio is t provide clean water for your people.
    thank you

  • Commented
    28 Jul 2014 07:25 GMT

    Revelation Children's Ministries International
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Micheal and Esther Erwachu says: we have prayed for this and hoped to get intourch but in vein

  • Commented
    29 Jul 2014 05:56 GMT

    Community Development Centre
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Ameen Charles says: We are interested to know more and partnership, please let us know how can reach to you.

  • Commented
    12 Aug 2014 08:04 GMT

    Foundation for Health and Social Economic Development Africa
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Eunice Achieng says: We work in Siaya, Garissa and parts of Turkana counties in Kenya. the barrel will be so useful due to distances and terrains covered by women to fetch water. We would like to be a partner of ROTB Trust to improve the lives of these populations.

    In terms of empowerment: the time saved will be used to care for children and/or a livelihood enterprise.

    our contacts:

  • Commented
    12 Aug 2014 03:07 GMT

    All Win Community Organisation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Bethuel Mwangi Orango says: we r a community based organization in Kenya working with the poor women who r affected and infected by HIV/AIDS and they lack water barrels for water storage.
    most of our clients are based in rural semi arid and arid areas in Kenya.
    we would like to partner with you to provide the services to them but we have not been able.our contact is attention mr bethuel orango cellphone +2540703121161,email is [

  • Commented
    05 Sep 2014 11:55 GMT

    La-No-Che Orphans and Youth Camp
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    LaNoChe says: LaNoChe says: Kindly we would like to receive this offer we will pay the cost up to Tanzania, working with orphans, Elders people in our community working with International Scouts and Guides Fellowship this is an Adults Scouts, working with LaNoChe Orphans and youth Camp in TANZANIA. Please email us to have this / Thanks! Johnson MaCrobert - Director

  • Commented
    24 Sep 2014 05:55 GMT

    Human Health Aid Burundi
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Nyamiye Hermenegilde says: Re : express of interest
    Hi from Burundi
    We are a registered organization partnering with a series of organization whom Government, we based in Burundi and work there as humanitarian with a large link of humanitarian within NGOs to monitor and assess our activities. We work widely with refugees and asylum seekers through the entitled project “Asylum Seekers Relief Services". We work also with victims of disasters and mainly the recent flooding and landslides.
    To respond to water, hygiene and sanitation. Them, we want to set up environmental toilets and provide a system of drainage for food security issues.
    Please let us know how to submit the proposal and other formalities.
    Warms regards,
    Email :
    Phone : 257 75 668879
    Avenue de l’OUA, 6282
    PO BOB 6218 Bujumbura
    Website :

  • Commented
    21 Oct 2014 06:25 GMT

    Jopa Carpentry Workshop and Technical Services
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    NTENDE HENRY says: Thanks for the offer. we a CBO based in Busoga sub -region in Uganda .we woud like to recieve those barrels to disribute to the young mother we training. These young mothers don,t have clean water collecting container because their low incomes.
    Ntende Hnery
    Project Coordinator

  • Commented
    30 Oct 2014 09:25 GMT

    DRC Gospel Outreach Inc
    Unverified non-profit organisation



    solomon Mbusa
    Mission Director.

  • Commented
    21 Nov 2014 04:43 GMT

    Integrated Learning Institute Mogadishu,Somalia
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Yasser Dahir Mohamed says: Our displaced people are much in need of this barrels especially those who who fled from clan war living outside the city (Elesha Buyaha)Water wells. You will come a cross a pregnant mother currying 10 litter container.
    These offers belongs to our people here in Elesha Biya a displaced area outside the city of Mogadishu, Somalia
    Director of Integrated Learning Institute
    Mogadishu, Somalia

  • Commented
    07 Feb 2015 11:49 GMT

    Sustainable Development for Vulnerable Peoples in Bangladesh
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    miahferoz says: Sub: Prayer for Partnership/Grants.
    Dear Sir/Madam
    It is a great pleasure for us to introduce our non-governmental / non-profit organization. Its name is Sustainable Development for Vulnerable Peoples in Bangladesh (SDVPB). Established in 1999, at West Sharulia, Demra, Dhaka –1361. It is a government registered charity organization. Government Registration No is 2858, dated, Dhaka – 18/05/2014. Main objective of our organization is to provide free training on computer and International English Language Course to the disadvantaged children, girls, women & unemployed youth in Bangladesh to make them qualified for jobs in different sectors, especially in outsourcing job. In limited scale we can claim success, even though we have critical limitations to run these basic programs smoothly.
    You know Bangladesh is a country of over population and poor is its main character. Most of the people in Bangladesh are living under poverty level. Result is most of the peoples are illiterate; those who have general education, majority of them have no technical knowledge for having a good job. Because they are very much weak in English language and IT Knowledge which are vital at the present Bangladesh to have a standard job.
    We believe that by providing technical skills training to undeserved individuals, we can partner to create social and economic opportunities that can change peoples’ lives and transform communities, Ultimately, Sustainable Development for Vulnerable Peoples in Bangladesh is helping bridge the global technology gap by providing the training and tools people need to realize their potentials. For achieving the goals we are trying our best by our own resources to teach the IT (computer) and English language at free of cost to the disadvantaged girls, women of the local areas. Therefore contribution is coming out for the society would be in limited scale. But our main objective is to provide free training program on IT and English language to the undeserved girls, women at the rural/urban areas of Bangladesh.Our commitment to empower 300 million young people with opportunities for education,employment, and entrepreneurship.
    But we are handicraft with our limited resources. By the assistance of your we can fulfil our dream. We need your all kinds of assistance very seriously. As we know that you’re helping the needed people around the world. We are very much hopeful to get assistance from you.
    We will remain grateful forever to you for your cooperation. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
    Miah FEROZ

  • Commented
    30 Mar 2015 04:25 GMT

    Centre Chretien d’Espoir Pour les Orphelins (CECESO)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    John Sunday Martin says: Centre Chretien d’Espoir Pour les Orphelins (CECESO)is NGO established in Central African Republic in 2007 with mission of improving the quality of lives of the vulnerable orphans and to nurture them be responsible leaders, as well save them from streets and dying. Our methodologies are through orphanage and home-based care services for the orphans and the most vulnerable families through Centre’s wide range services such as:-

    a)Education:-provision of substantiate scholarship and scholastic materials to the most needy orphans to continue on with education which is key for their future and success in life
    b)Health: - medical treatment assistance and hygiene promotion for personal health of the orphans and protection from hygiene related sickness
    c)Housing for the most vulnerable orphans,
    d)Feedings:- Substantiate Food Aid and feeding to address nutrition needs of the orphans and,
    e)General Counseling and Guidance. Offering free counseling services for the orphans and their guidance to overcome their sociological, emotional and physiological problems so as to be positive in life.

    we are therefore interested in your services/offer and would be very grateful if you could consider, and offer us your services.

    We look forward from you;

    John Sunday Martin
    Volunteer (Partnership and Project Services Officer)
    Centre Chretien d’Espoir Pour les Orphelins (CECESO)
    Tel: +236-70070474

  • Commented
    09 Apr 2015 08:36 GMT

    Iteme Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Nzitatira Sunday Justin says: We envision a society where people are healthy, safe, and self-sufficient — a place where every person, regardless of their background, has a voice in their future and access to opportunities and resources to realize that future. We envision a community that finds strength in diversity and individuals that are empowered to pursue opportunities both locally and across the globe.

    We work hard to provide support and training that young people need in order to be integrated into mainstream education, training and employment. It is our passion to help young people realize their potential to build a better future for themselves.

    Iteme Foundation is dedicated to promoting the socio-economic well being of disadvantaged and vulnerable children and young women by empowering them to live in a manner that allows for their adjustment into mainstream society.we are therefore interested in your services/offer and would be very grateful if you could consider, and offer us your services. EMPOWER RWANDAN GIRL

    The cycle of poverty starts early for Rwandan girls. In Rwanda, girls between the ages of 15 and 24 are at the highest risk of contracting the HIV virus. Born into poor families, young women are often not sent to school so the choices they have are either marriage or menial labor. Adolescence is an especially vulnerable time as girls are often tempted by the profitability of selling their bodies. By the age of 18, many of these girls have children, no husbands, and sometimes AIDS. Iteme Foundation seeks to break this cycle by bringing economic empowerment back into their lives.

    Once these at-risk youths are identified in the community, we offer life skills classes that include:

    tailoring skills

    health education

    financial education

    most importantly, a community of older, respected women

    The mentors help these girls to see the potential of their lives and help them get started on their future. While they are in class, the young women can leave their children in Iteme’s daycare center, providing them with a safe place to play.

    In an effort to encompass the entire community, Iteme Foundation has now reached out to 70 at-risk young women to bring a sense of empowerment into their lives. .
    Sunday Justin NZITATIRA

  • Contact details exchanged
    19 Apr 2015 05:35 GMT

    Commonwealth Peoples Association of Uganda (CPAUG) Verified non-profit organisation
    (Verified non-profit organisation)

    Commonwealth Peoples Association of Uganda says: Hello

    We made contact about this offer and we got no response fro the last 2 years.

    Any update

    Thank you


  • Commented
    28 Aug 2015 01:03 GMT

    Pakhtunkhwa Rural Support Programme (PRSP)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    ambreen banori says: PRSP is interested in limited number of barrels to be distributed among the most vulnerable families of Chitral and Khyber Agency.

    If the company is going to assist with transpotation then we will be needing 400 barrels for each geographic area.

  • Commented
    04 Sep 2015 05:13 GMT

    Revelation Children's Ministries International
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Micheal and Esther Erwachu says: News News
    RIS NURSERY, PRIMARY AND TECHNICAL SCHOOL founded by Revelation children's ministries international is looking for a dedicated person to help in mobilizing funds for the school projects this can be done by writing funding proposals fundraising etc
    we are also looking for teachers
    Are you passionate about child' education?
    Would you like to get first-hand experience of working in Uganda?
    RCMI is opening up a new international school by January 2016 and we are currently recruiting motivated, self-reliant teachers to take advantage of our range of exciting volunteer opportunities in our RIS- nursery, primary and technical school
    For more information and to apply, please go to: ( please shares this with colleagues or friends who may be interested.

    We are very happy that you have decided to volunteer with us and look forward to working with you!

  • Commented
    03 Oct 2015 01:16 GMT

    Unverified non-profit organisation

    RON KEMPRAI says: want to know any funding agency to conduct counselling and Training to Extremist Victim Family at Dima Hasao, Assam, India.

  • Commented
    03 Oct 2015 01:19 GMT

    Unverified non-profit organisation

    RON KEMPRAI says: want to know any funding agency to conduct counselling and Training to Extremist Victim Family at Dima Hasao, Assam, India.

  • Commented
    03 Oct 2015 12:54 GMT

    HIMILO Foundation (HIMFO)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    HIMILO FOUNDATION says: HIMILO Foundation is a Non-governmental organization that was founded in Somalia on 1st January, 2002 under the laws of the Federal Republic of Somalia as a humanitarian and development Non-profit Organization. It is also registered with the Government of Kenya (Reg. No: OP 218/051/2108/015/5056). Himilo Foundation is an active member of the Somalia NGO Consortium, a forum that promotes information sharing, cooperation and joint advocacy initiatives amongst local and international NGOs working in Somalia and Somaliland.
    Since its inception, HIMILO Foundation has been working on various humanitarian and development interventions to reach out to the most vulnerable people in the communities affected by both natural and man-made disasters such as drought and famine, floods, conflicts and adequately responds to their effects.
    We are currently preparing for elnino rains that might hit part of the world in the coming weeks according the FAO's Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit. Himilo Foundation is planning to provides NFIs and rations to the population incase they are hit by the floods.These items will also be of help to us as it will the people to use them during the floods to fetch water.


    Omar Ahmed
    HIMILO Foundation,

  • Commented
    06 Nov 2015 07:31 GMT

    Guildance Community Development Foundation Verified non-profit organisation
    (Verified non-profit organisation)

    ADISA KABIRU ADENIYI says: Guildance Community Development Foundation (GCDF) is a Community based Nigerian Non Governmental Organization (NGO), Not for Profit and Non-Political registered under part ‘C ’with the Corporate Affairs Commission in Nigeria. GCDF is a registered member of Civil Society Organization working on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria.
    Guildance Community Development Foundation has been up and doing in provision of clean water in South western Nigeria since year 2000. We will like to receive 30 litre Rotary Barrels for easier collection of potable water by women and children.
    You can reach us through:
    Telephone: +234(0)8057783260, 07083230185,08034978700
    Address: Guildance Community Development Foundation, Opposite No 8, Momo Ke, Beside Al-Haq Nursery and Primary School, Academy Bus Stop, Iwo Road, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.

  • Commented
    10 Dec 2015 02:32 GMT

    Care Community Education Centre(CCEDUC)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Ajaga Buran Innocent says: Care Community Educational Centre (CCEDUC) Registration No S 5914/10222 is a Local Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Based in Northern Uganda. It started in the year 2010 in response to the child abuse and women violence in rural areas of Northern Uganda.kindly visit our website; so that the project can partner with you to help disadvantaged women who moves long distances to fetch water in the Northern region of Uganda
    Ajaga Buran Innocent
    Executive Director

  • Commented
    13 Jan 2016 06:19 GMT

    Innovative Youth with Action Uganda
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Innovative Youth with Action Uganda says: we would like to partner with you contact us

  • Commented
    26 Feb 2016 07:46 GMT

    Husambae Community Based Organization
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Michael Joseph Bole says: We are very interested for any Donor/volunteers to offer us Husambae Community Based Organization , which deals with HIV/AIDS,Orphans and vulnerable children and widows in Kenya with Donation of fund,medical equipment,school equipment's,computers,used car,and any kind of support to us.Our needy orphans,widows,HIV/AIDS really need your support and partnership.
    We hope to read from you very soon,
    Michael Joseph Bole
    Husambae Community Based Organization-Kenya

  • Commented
    23 May 2016 12:30 GMT

    Doyow Agriculture and Veterinary Solutions (DAVES)
    (For-profit organisation)

    Hayat Ahmed says: Dear Sir/Madam,

    We are interested in this offer and would like to donate the supplies to victims of the East Africa drought in the northern region of Somalia as part of our community outreach initiative. We are Somali-American diaspora members who have relocated to help improve conditions and uplift people out of poverty. Please contact as at or at +1(202) 316-0645, we look forward to the opportunity and thank you in advance for helping us improve the way people live.

  • Commented
    15 Jul 2016 09:08 GMT

    Butakoola Village Association for Development
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Stephen Ssemutumba says: Hi,

    This would be a great opportunity to improve on our WASH project services. Please visit us at to learn more about our WASH project innovations. We will be very grateful if we are considered for this offer.

    Sincerely yours,

    Stephen Ssemutumba
    Director BUVAD

  • Commented
    16 Jul 2016 09:15 GMT

    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Dr. Kiyimba Joseph says: We would like to request for those donation.

    ABA Foundation is more involved in helping people in disaster areas and vulnerable communities.

  • Commented
    23 Sep 2016 10:11 GMT

    South Twenty Four PG Network of People Living with HIV AIDS
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    SouthTwenty Four PG Network of People Living with HIV AIDS says: Dear Sir/ Madam

    Greeting from SNP+

    Recently we have noticed an advertisement on Globalhand website that your organisation is giving support to HIV patients. South 24 Parganas Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (SNP+) seeks to increase impact of projects. SNP+ seeks to apply for such gifts for supporting and encouraging the children who are affected or infected by HIV/AIDS.

    Here we are mentioning the profile of SNP+

    Back Ground of South 24 PG Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS

    The South 24 Parganas Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS is a community-based organization by, for and of the people living with HIV and AIDS. It is a platform of the PLWHA (people living with HIV and AIDS) from where they can fight for their rights and against all discrimination. The network was formed in the year 2005 and registered under the Societies Registration Act. It is a district network of The Bengal Network for People Living with HIV/AID
    Presently, SNP+ running a Help Desk, TB-HIV Intensified programme, “Asha Kiran Inter medieat non formal education center, ”SWABHALAMBHAN” vocational training center for women,”AWAZ” nutrition support programme for child in South 24 Parganas and Care Support Center (CSC) in Kolkata. Our supporter/Funders are India HIV/AIDS Alliance & NACO, Rotary Literacy mission India, West Bengal; Health and family welfare Semite, West Bengal Women Development Undertaken,

    Vision: The vision of SNP+ is to respond to the needs of the people who have no access to receive education/information regarding HIV/AIDS & to improve quality of life of HIV positive people and other marginalized population in society.


    To function as a coalition of community based organizations
    To improve the quality of life of PLWHA in society through knowledge, health care, advocacy, job skill training
    To create a stigma & discrimination free society for PLWHA

    The South 24 Parganas Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS is a community-based organization by, for and of the people living with HIV and AIDS. It is a platform of the PLWHA (people living with HIV and AIDS) from where they can fight for their rights and against all discrimination. The network was formed in the year 2005 and registered under the Societies Registration Act. It is a district network of The Bengal Network for People Living with HIV/AID
    Presently, SNP+ running a Help Desk, TB-HIV Intensified programme, “Asha Kiran Inter medieat non formal education center, ”SWABHALAMBHAN” vocational training center for women,”AWAZ” nutrition support programme for child in South 24 Parganas and Care Support Center (CSC) in Kolkata. Our supporters/Funders are India HIV/AIDS Alliance & NACO, Rotary Literacy mission India, West Bengal Health and family welfare Semite, West Bengal Women Development Undertaken, Joyce Meyer Ministries world Mission

    Vision: The vision of SNP+ is to respond to the needs of the people who have no access to receive education/information regarding HIV/AIDS & to improve quality of life of HIV positive people and other marginalized population in society.


    To function as a coalition of community based organizations
    To improve the quality of life of PLWHA and other marginalize community in society through knowledge, health care, advocacy, job skill training, Non formal Education.
    To create a stigma & discrimination free society for PLWHA

    These support would be welcomed, here is our email address:, Location: India.

    Thanks and regards

    Anita Das
    Project Coordinator,

  • Commented
    18 Jan 2017 03:12 GMT

    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Samwelelly says: Thanks for your efforts toward making life better to all people. I would like to partiner with you in this efforts to assist our fellow Africans who are suffering from social problems like shortage of water, food and other basic needs. Please contact me at and we will share different experience with our organisation SEEDO PLAN ORG

  • Commented
    18 Jan 2017 03:14 GMT

    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Samwelelly says: Thanks for your efforts toward making life better to all people. I would like to partiner with you in this efforts to assist our fellow Africans who are suffering from social problems like shortage of water, food and other basic needs. Please contact me at and we will share different experience with our organisation SEEDO PLAN ORG

  • Commented
    18 Jan 2017 03:19 GMT

    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Samwelelly says: Thanks for your efforts toward making life better to all people. I would like to partiner with you in this efforts to assist our fellow Africans who are suffering from social problems like shortage of water, food and other basic needs. Please contact me at and we will share different experience with our organisation SEEDO PLAN ORG

  • Commented
    18 Jan 2017 03:22 GMT

    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Samwelelly says: Thanks for your efforts toward making life better to all people. I would like to partiner with you in this efforts to assist our fellow Africans who are suffering from social problems like shortage of water, food and other basic needs. Please contact me at and we will share different experience with our organisation SEEDO PLAN ORG

  • Commented
    12 Feb 2017 07:45 GMT

    Redeemed Children for God Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Redeemed Children for God Foundation says: We are interested. Thank you.

  • Commented
    23 Apr 2017 08:36 GMT

    Eden Gumbesi Children Centre
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    ANTONY MSONGO says: we are very interested in this initiative to help the under-deserved communities in Suna west sub county, Migori county in Kenya.
    contact us at:
    looking forward hearing from you.
    Anthony Msongo
    Executive Director
    Eden Gumbesi Center

  • Commented
    26 Apr 2017 11:46 GMT

    Agency of the Projects of Backing of the Initiatives to the basis for a Lasting Development (APRIDD-NGO)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    TAWAGA Sanhongou Kouagou Nestor says:
    Our project development agency in Benin is interested to receive these litre Rotary Barrels to replace the dirty unhealthy containers, buckets, jerry cans for our development projects. They will use in our project agency works. We lead our actions to the profit of the orphanages and Schools to the level of the local rural and villages the more enclosed of Benin. Your aid will allow us to provide a support necessary to the needs of the population in difficult situation.
    Thank you.
    The executive Director
    Pastor TAWAGA Nestor
    BP 1071, Abomey-Calavi
    Tél: ( 00229) 94 77 48 12

  • Commented
    02 Jun 2017 02:04 GMT

    HEDECS (Health Development Consultancy Services)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Health Development Consultancy Services says: HEDECS is based in Cameroon and works in the domain of health and water sanitation and hygiene. We are working in communities o provide safe drinking water. The barrels will be very useful for communities to store their drinking water which will help reduce waterborne diseases and improve health.

    Supporting our work with the barrels will be a mjor boost to our work.


    Our contact

  • Commented
    31 Jul 2017 08:11 GMT

    Sevac Foundation Uganda
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    okullo jimmy felex says: SEVAC Foundation Uganda was registered on 28 February 2016 after operating as community base organization for four years. It was due to the 2 decade of war in northern Uganda that have prompt families to become vulnerable leading to wide spread of HIV/AIDS, resulting many orphans , low level of education , high poverty rate, agriculture crumble and health , SEVAC Foundation Uganda was established in 2012 to help the orphans , vulnerable and youngster disabilities in Uganda to tackle their significant health, social, educational and economic needs. The main aims to assist with the following:
    To empower children by:
    • Promoting quality rehabilitation services that improve the functionality of children and youngsters with disabilities;
    • Ensuring the systematic removal of barriers and biases that children in the programmes experience in their communities, and enable their participation and inclusion.
    • Support the health of children ,orphan and youngster disabilities
    • Assist people to become active in their communities by participating in HIV/AIDS and health projects
    • To take ownership of their resources and gain a sustainable income through tourism and micro-finance projects
    In 2013, SEVAC Foundation Uganda established an education program, child sponsorship to support the local education system and to develop the knowledge and skills of young people to the appropriate national level.Contact me on +256776063061 , or our address: Muntu building, plot 10, ojwina road, lira district, northern uganda
    okullo jimmy felex Executive director sevac

  • Commented
    12 Sep 2017 12:14 GMT

    Foundation for Generational Thinkers (FOGET)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Foundation for Generational Thinkers (FOGET) says: Dear Kind sirs,

    On behalf of children, youths and widows in need in various parts of Ghana, I appeal for a partnership between us. Your products and services are highly needed here!
    please write to us soon:
    Thank you

  • Commented
    10 May 2018 07:50 GMT

    Unverified non-profit organisation


    BUSOGA OUTREACH is a community based organization operating in IGANGA district - EASTERN UGANDA working with most vulnerable orphans for their education and health and mothers for their health, economic living and self sustenance.
    This organization is running an orphanage school called “ GOD’S CARE ORPHANAGE JUNIOR SCHOOL- IGANGA UGANDA.

    This is to forward my humble request to be considered for partnership AND Also
    The fact is, am looking for friends who can join me in my organization. May i therefore request you to be my friend and get me other friends who can visit me in my project .IGANGA-- UGANDA.

    Thank you in advance for your attention to my request.


    NSAIGA VALANTINE, Executive director

    Tel. +256772746799 ,, +256392001560

  • Commented
    26 Aug 2018 07:07 GMT

    Unverified non-profit organisation

    katende isaac says:

  • Commented
    26 Aug 2018 07:10 GMT

    Unverified non-profit organisation

    katende isaac says: I need our help

  • Commented
    26 Aug 2018 07:10 GMT

    Unverified non-profit organisation

    katende isaac says: I need our help

  • Commented
    26 Aug 2018 07:10 GMT

    Unverified non-profit organisation

    katende isaac says: I need our help

  • Commented
    26 Aug 2018 07:19 GMT

    Unverified non-profit organisation

    katende isaac says:

  • Commented
    24 Oct 2018 07:48 GMT

    Odollo Self Help Group
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Steven Were says: Should nothing be done to equip teen mothers and young widows without necessary life skills and economic tools requisite to support themselves and their orphans; the society should ready itself to face a storm of street children and crime, an up-tide in prostitution and related health implications; a clear propagation of the unfortunate cycle of human suffering. We are rebuilding lives of 100 teen mothers and through Training in Tailoring and design as well as other craft courses.
    We strongly feel that this offer posted by you can be of some great help to our youth. Our email is;

  • Commented
    28 Oct 2018 11:52 GMT

    Unverified non-profit organisation

    KISUBI DENIS says: Dear Sir/Madam,

    We deeply understand the situation of all children in sub Sahara Africa and we are always on search to see who can give a hand to help our rural children in Uganda who suffer a lot of obstacles like malaria, abuse of letting them carry heavy Jerry Cans e.t.c we are committed to serve to improve, protect and promote their well being of life they live in. We hope this Kind of offer is very vital to our rural communities where we offer support as a group of young volunteers.
    We hope to be among the benefiaries of this offer towards our children in rural areas
    Warmly Regards
    Kisubi Denis
    Executive Director
    Give Hope Uganda
    P.O BOX 6997 Kampala - Uganda

  • Commented
    29 Oct 2018 08:47 GMT

    CINTA Foundation Uganda
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    GERTRUDE MASEMBE says: This is Trudy working with CINTA Foundation Uganda. CINTA Uganda is a registered NGO operating in 4 districts of the country. Our core areas are education support,Community Economic Development and SRH/HIV Awareness.
    We work with rural based schools and communities and requesting for partnership to ensure access of clean and safe drinking water to 3 rural based schools in Kayunga district.
    The schools have no water harvesting equipment to store water during the rainy season and water points are between 1-4 kilometers which is too long for Grade 1-7 learners
    This not only eats into their education time but also exposes them to dirty and germ infested water from poorly manged streams that are clogged with algae.
    Provision of 10 barrels per each of the three (3) schools) will ensure access of clean drinking water to over 3,000 children, reduce water associated diseases and save time students use to go to wells to draw water during school time.
    Looking forward to a fruitful partnership

  • Commented
    20 Nov 2018 10:05 GMT

    faith multpurpose co-operative society
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    lewis mwila says: Dear sir/madam,
    we are interested in the offer we zambian co-operative we hope to hear from you soon we hope to hear from you
    yours faithfully,
    lewis mwila+260968821911
    po box 30397
    lusaka, zambia

  • Commented
    20 Nov 2018 02:46 GMT

    CINTA Foundation Uganda
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    GERTRUDE MASEMBE says: Dear Lewis
    How are you?
    Are you interested in Partnering with CINTA Uganda to provide the barrels?

  • Commented
    25 Nov 2018 08:03 GMT

    Christian Community Healthcare Foundation- Kenya (COHECF KENYA)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Michael Ochieng Nyawino says: COHECF KENYA is willing to be part of this noble idea and work with you to help communities in fetching water.
    Kindly feel free to get in touch:


  • Commented
    26 Nov 2018 11:45 GMT

    CINTA Foundation Uganda
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    GERTRUDE MASEMBE says: I have sent an Email to your inbox using the email addresses provided
    Thank you

  • Contact details exchanged
    05 Apr 2019 12:14 GMT

    Cry in the Dark Verified non-profit organisation
    (Verified non-profit organisation)

    Steve Cooper says: We are not a huge organisation but we we would need over a period of time around 130 units for our work with a very poor rural roma community we work with there are over 800 children there and access to water is difficult to say the least. There is no sanitation in the village no hot or cold running water just a couple of wells where the access to say the least is difficult to say the least.

  • Commented
    14 Aug 2019 01:49 GMT

    Lerne AdamsFoundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Otieno Bob says: Lerne Adams Foundation (LAF)is an indigenous Kenyan NGO registered as non-religious, non-political and non-profit organization. The organization is registered under Kenyan laws as a foundation Instituted, staffed, and managed by group of professionals. The organization has its base in Kisumu and works

    with communities living around L.Victoria

    region. The organization was officially strengthened and founded in January 2016 has now taken up the challenges of articulation and contribution to the country’s development priority agenda

    developmentdespite living in close proximity to Lake Victoria, 3 out of 10 members of the communities living in this region do not have access to clean and safe drinking water from improved drinking water sources. Lerne Adams Foundation has therefore prioritised access to safe drinking water by collaborating with development partners and communities in exploring and implementing various approaches including spring water, boreholes, shallow wells, rain water collection. Our priorities are set towards reducing the number of hours spent by women looking for water as well as water-borne diseases associated with consumption of dirty water

    Therefore we were requesting for atleast 150 to salvage the situation

  • Commented
    16 Feb 2020 09:46 GMT

    Ambassadors of God Organisation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    BLESSINGS CHIWOSI says: We are deeply in need of these item carrying out development work here in Malawi. Our areas of operation include water and sanitation.
    You can contact us through this

  • Commented
    26 Feb 2020 10:48 GMT

    Omuto Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Mark Mutumba says: Your donations will help our Parents ease the transportation of water from the well as they are very far distances. Please if still available, reach us at

  • Commented
    11 Sep 2020 11:17 GMT

    The Kingdom Living Church
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Elijah A.G Khaajah says: I will be happy to have to receive these barrels in Ghana for our students and women in rural villages. Consider us when sending your give aways.

  • Commented
    11 Sep 2020 11:19 GMT

    The Kingdom Living Church
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Elijah A.G Khaajah says: You can contact us on or +233266689362

  • Commented
    21 Sep 2020 12:55 GMT

    Defender Africa Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    CHARLES MALOBA says: Interested in this project.
    please advise on the next step

  • Commented
    24 Sep 2020 05:07 GMT

    Hiire Siraji Development Group For the Needy
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    HIIRE SIRAJI says: iam interested in the offer because i have many around me take on dirty water which fetch in dams and also i at all they want clean water they move long distances to get that were they can not even reach .please we need help!these are my contacts 0775357328
    email address

  • Commented
    24 Sep 2020 07:51 GMT

    Defender Africa Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    CHARLES MALOBA says: Our Communities in Busia District in Eastern Uganda,badly need this offer to help with harvesting clean water.
    Please respond to +256783838827 or

  • Commented
    21 Oct 2020 11:41 GMT

    Blessed Life Foundation Uganda
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Blessed Life foundation Uganda says: Blessed Life foundation Uganda is a charity organization that helps mother's, disabled people and opharns in wakiso district,this offer will help our small group of mother's in easing their house work and be able to attend to their children.
    Contant.+256 712244291
    Please respond

  • Commented
    21 Nov 2020 12:59 GMT

    Association de Producteurs des Céréales de l'Uélé (APCU_KIBALI) OR. UÉLÉ CEREAL GROWERS ASSOCIATION
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    PALUKU KAPITENI JOSUÉ says: Greetings from DRCONGO
    Our community-driven initiative-APCU is interested in your barrels for easier collection of water.we are a farmer community whereby these items will help women and children to carry water and to better their lives.

    Hope to hear from you
    Durba Gold Mining township

  • Commented
    21 Nov 2020 01:00 GMT

    Association de Producteurs des Céréales de l'Uélé (APCU_KIBALI) OR. UÉLÉ CEREAL GROWERS ASSOCIATION
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    PALUKU KAPITENI JOSUÉ says: Greetings from DRCONGO
    Our community-driven initiative-APCU is interested in your barrels for easier collection of water.we are a farmer community whereby these items will help women and children to carry water and to better their lives.

    Hope to hear from you
    Durba Gold Mining township

  • Commented
    21 Nov 2020 01:00 GMT

    Association de Producteurs des Céréales de l'Uélé (APCU_KIBALI) OR. UÉLÉ CEREAL GROWERS ASSOCIATION
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    PALUKU KAPITENI JOSUÉ says: Greetings from DRCONGO
    Our community-driven initiative-APCU is interested in your barrels for easier collection of water.we are a farmer community whereby these items will help women and children to carry water and to better their lives.

    Hope to hear from you
    Durba Gold Mining township

  • Commented
    18 Jan 2021 12:09 GMT

    Unverified non-profit organisation

    AFRICAN NETWORT FOR THE PROTECTION AND PREVENTION AGAINST CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLET CAMEROON says: we are interested to get these products for displaced children in the North west of Cameroon

  • Commented
    28 May 2021 01:37 GMT

    Hands of Good Samaritan international
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Alameth Brian Jesse says: we are interested to get the products here in eastern uganda and refuguee camps in northern part of uganda.
    +256781988111 , address Hands of Good samaritan 616 soroti uganda East Africa

  • Commented
    17 Jun 2021 03:11 GMT

    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Uchenna Celestine Okonkwor says: Hello,
    My dear.
    We are a faith based organization and we run schools for the poor and less privileged.
    Please am interested to have the shipment. I based in Lagos, Nigeria.

  • Commented
    10 Jul 2021 06:45 GMT

    Community Uplift and Welfare Development (CUWEDE)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Kumakech James says: Many thanks for this; we are based here in Northern Uganda and are interested in the items since our populations faces serious threats and water related crisis. You can contact us on fora discussion on how we can go about it. Many thanks for considering supporting us. James Kumakech (Programme Coordinator-CUWEDE)

  • Commented
    01 Aug 2021 07:59 GMT

    Hands of Good Samaritan international
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Alameth Brian Jesse says: May God bless the work of your hands; we are based here in eastern part of Uganda and are interested in the items since our populations is hit by prolonged sunshine and crops have dried up,water it is problem to many of our community . more detail contact us on , Address Hands of Good samaritan international, 616 soroti uganda east africa . +256781988111 Brian Jesse Alameth coordinator Hands of Good samaritan international
    God bless you

  • Commented
    25 Jul 2022 11:27 GMT

    Lucinda's Beautiful Heritage Charity Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Lucinda BANCEL says: Hello

    My name is Lucinda Bancel, founder of the « Lucinda’s Beautiful Heritage (a.k.a My Beautiful Heritage) » a non-profit organization, created in 2020 to help give better lives to the medically challenged and the underprivileged especially the orphans, the street children and excluded/homeless by bringing the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need of them and to serve as an antidote to despair across Sierra Leone.

    We run projects which include health care, education, community empowerment, environmental conservation and youth empowerment.

    Our mission is both a medical and moral move of solidarity to bring both medical and moral solace to communities in Sierra Leone, the primary beneficiary targets being the medically challenged and the underprivileged especially the orphans, the street children and excluded/homeless.

    Our secondary mission has the moral objective to support, create or intervene in any charitable action in the humanitarian fields in order to improve health, education, poverty, the reception of the excluded and minorities in Sierra Leone and in France.

    Our aim is to provide care and support to the medically challenged and the underprivileged especially orphans and vulnerable children.

    This offer will be a blessing to Blama and Small Bo community in Sierra Leone so pls consider us.

    Our contact details are as follows:

    Number: +33768893364(also on whatsapp, signal and telegram)

  • Commented
    25 Jul 2022 11:28 GMT

    Lucinda's Beautiful Heritage Charity Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Lucinda BANCEL says: Hello

    My name is Lucinda Bancel, founder of the « Lucinda’s Beautiful Heritage (a.k.a My Beautiful Heritage) » a non-profit organization, created in 2020 to help give better lives to the medically challenged and the underprivileged especially the orphans, the street children and excluded/homeless by bringing the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need of them and to serve as an antidote to despair across Sierra Leone.

    We run projects which include health care, education, community empowerment, environmental conservation and youth empowerment.

    Our mission is both a medical and moral move of solidarity to bring both medical and moral solace to communities in Sierra Leone, the primary beneficiary targets being the medically challenged and the underprivileged especially the orphans, the street children and excluded/homeless.

    Our secondary mission has the moral objective to support, create or intervene in any charitable action in the humanitarian fields in order to improve health, education, poverty, the reception of the excluded and minorities in Sierra Leone and in France.

    Our aim is to provide care and support to the medically challenged and the underprivileged especially orphans and vulnerable children.

    This offer will be a blessing to Blama and Small Bo community in Sierra Leone so pls consider us.

    Our contact details are as follows:

    Number: +33768893364(also on whatsapp, signal and telegram)

  • Commented
    25 Mar 2024 12:36 GMT

    The Sedoo Initiative for Children.with Special Needs-SECHILD
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    The Sedoo Initiative for Children with Special Needs-SECHILD says: Interested.