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Carulla Foundations promotes early childhood education in Colombia through initiative AeioTu

Carulla Foundation was founded by José Carulla Soler, then owner of the Carulla chain of department stores, in 1962. For 47 years the foundation provided scholarships to thousands of low-income employees of the company.
The "Cocoa Plan" between Nestlé and cocoa farmers

Nestlé is guided by the principle of creating shared value for shareholders and society in a manner that is integrally linked to its core business strategies and operations. It is called "Creating Shared Value (CSV)"; value created for shareholders, employees, farmers, consumers and the communities...
LexisNexis and The Polaris Project fighting human trafficking together

LexisNexis and The Polaris Project have collaborated in the fight against human trafficking. This video is an extract of a segment on NewsChannel 8 in USA talking about this partnership.
Public-Private Partnership Provides Access to Safe Drinking Water During Disasters

In March 2011 Abt Associates launched a partnership that will help make clean, safe drinking water available in Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua in the event of a disaster or emergency.
Local Wells Fargo Bank Donates Thanksgiving Lunch to Refugees

Thirty-three refugees celebrated their first Thanksgiving, festivities which were sponsored by a local Wells Fargo branch and included five turkeys and all the trimmings of a traditional Thanksgiving meal. The Wells Fargo branch, located on Brand Boulevard in Glendale, California has partnered...
Partnership to help farmers in Africa increase crop yields and hope for the future

In 2005, Millennium Promise launched with a vision to end extreme poverty in our lifetime. As the leading international nonprofit organization solely committed to supporting the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, Millennium Promise believes that innovative partnerships and an...
Sabritas incorporates small farmers into sunflower supply chain

Incorporation of small, low-income producers into the supply chains of larger companies in rural Mexico is increasingly becoming a powerful way to break the cycle of poverty.
Thames Water supports WaterAid through its consumer campaign

Thames Water has partnered with the non-governmental organization, WaterAid, to improve access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation in the world's poorest communities.
Environmental Defense and DuPont develop a framework for responsible nanotechnology
Environmental Defense, an environmental advocacy organization, and DuPont, a science-based products and services company, have developed a comprehensive, practical, and flexible Framework for evaluating and addressing the potential risks of nanoscale materials.
Technology to Fight Human Trafficking: Microsoft Awards Research Grants

In June 2012, Microsoft Research and the Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit announced the winning applications for research to “advance deeper understanding of the role of technology in human trafficking,” particularly as it relates to the child sex trade. A grant of US$185,000 will be distributed among...
Microsoft donates PhotoDNA technology to help fight child porn

The American multinational corporation and one of the world’s most valuable companies, Microsoft, in collaboration with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) has innovated a New Image DNA Technology to fight against child abuse.
Chilean bank pursues business opportunities in the low-income microenterprise market

Where others see obstacles, Chile’s Banco de Crédito e Inversiones (BCI) sees opportunities.
Air Terminal Gifts and Catholic Community Services provide donations and employment opportunities for refugees

Catholic Community Services (CCS) has, for decades, helped hundreds of refugees start new lives in Utah. Air Terminal Gifts has donated $12,000 to the CCS refugee resettlement program. Both companies work in partnership, employing refugees and trying to recognise and respond to their immediate...
Construmex: Facilitating Remote Housing Investments for US-based Mexican Migrants

Construmex, an initiative of Mexican construction and building giant CEMEX, was launched after the company’s success with Patrimonio Hoy, a socially minded business initiative targeted at low-income consumers. Since its inception in 2001, Construmex has helped more than 14,000 Mexican migrants in...
PETSTAR: Adding Value to the Chain of Recycling While Improving the Scavengers’ Working Conditions

With about 85,000 tons of waste generated every day, Mexico is the 10th largest garbage producer in the world. At the same time, tens of thousands of scavengers, including children, are making a living by collecting saleable items from open-air dumps in very poor, informal conditions.
Amanco: Providing Irrigation Systems to the Rural Poor

For decades, small farmers in Latin America have faced a grim outlook: low productivity and inefficiency. That was the background for the decision of Amanco, a subsidiary of the conglomerate GrupoNueva, to develop a hybrid value chain model for serving low-income markets. As part of that plan, the...
Votorantim Celulose e Papel (VCP) in Brazil: Planting eucalyptus in partnership with the rural poor

Brazil suffers from high income inequality and widespread poverty, especially in rural areas. Despite recent policies to support rural settlements through land reform, a mismatch remains between the rural population’s social demands and the state’s capacity to respond.
Opportunities to improve productivity provided for small farmers within Colombian pepper supply chain

Hugo Restrepo y Cia has over 30 years of experience in the food industry, especially in chili paste, with exports to the US, Europe and the Middle East. In 2000, in partnership with the Carvajal Foundation, the company initiated a project with the objective to continuously improve the productivity...
Natura beauty productsenefit Colombia's lowest social class and recycle tonnes of waste

Natura is a Brazilian organization operating for 40 years with a portfolio of 800 cosmetics, perfume and personal hygiene products. The company has adopted a direct sale scheme as its unique distribution channel.
Kohl's Department Stores Donates $250,000 to Support Hurricane Irene Relief Efforts

Kohl’s Department Stores has donated $250,000 to the American Red Cross toward Hurricane Irene relief efforts.