This offer is no longer available to non-profit organisations.

ONGOING OFFER: Refurbished hospital beds and mattresses - for a cost

General information

Overall description

We refurbish used hospital bed (electric and hydraulic/manual) and they are available to humanitarian projects for a cost per item plus a loading cost. Consignee must also pay customs duties and transport costs. This is not a one- off offer. It is ongoing.


The beds are available on an ongoing basis as we constantly update our stock and always have over 4000 beds available in our warehouse, our ever updated stock can be viewed at The bed showed in this offer is just an example of what we have.

Partnership types

Provision of goods

Further information

Global issues

HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health and medical

Regions / countries / territories

Africa: 54 countries (show) Americas: 53 countries (show) Asia: 41 countries (show) Europe: 52 countries (show) Middle East: 18 countries (show) Oceania: 26 countries (show)

Goods details

Goods description

Hydraulic/manual used hospital beds, electric used hospital beds, semi IC beds, full option IC beds, children beds, baby cribs, operating tables, operating lights. We can load the container for you (for a fee).

Type(s) of goods

Medical & scientific


always over 4000 in stock


8444DE Heerenveen , Netherlands


We provide an aftersales programm with spare parts and technical online backup.

Frequency (one-off or ongoing)

I will be offering these goods on an ongoing basis.

Cost of goods

There is a cost.
costs depend on the brand, type of beds and the amount of beds needed, please send us an e-mail for a complete overview.


I can transport these goods (or cover cost of transport).


Expiry dates are not relevant to these goods.


These goods are second hand.


1.000.000,00 GBP


The Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany


Oostwoud, Schell, Volker, Wissner Bosserhoff, HillRom, Arnold, Mertens, Haelvoet

Load size

We can load 50-60 pcs in a 40ft high cube container


These goods may be divided between recipients.

Organisation details

Organisation name

Used Hospitalbeds

Business sector(s)

Medical and health

Contact details

Only verified non-profit organisations who have exchanged contact details may view this.


  • Contact details exchanged
    04 May 2017 11:38 GMT

    Family Caregivers Association for the Aged Group (FCAAG) Verified non-profit organisation
    (Verified non-profit organisation)

    John Alfred Ejura says: Hello,
    Hi, warm greetings from Family Caregivers Association for the Aged Group (FCAAG) in Uganda!
    FCAAG is a community-based organization which was formed in 2001. It is a community driven and it responds according to the priority needs of older persons, orphans, OVCs and people living with HIV/AIDS in Aboke Sub-County, Kole District, located in Northern Uganda.
    Well, since the HIV/AIDS pandemic started, our country has lost about one million people and this has contributed significantly to an estimated 2.3 million orphans. Approximately 14 percent of children in Uganda less than 18 years of age are orphans. Even if the fresh HIV infections ceased today, the population already infected constitutes a massive potential for swelling the number of orphans in the country.
    Uganda communities have traditionally absorbed orphans within the extended family system. One in four households in Uganda foster at least one orphan by providing for health, shelter, nutrition, education and other needs. However, many of these caregivers are overburdened and often lack the socio-economic capacity to provide adequate care and support for these children. Community organizations, religious bodies and other civil society members have stepped in by providing information, vocational skills training, basic education, medical care, and counseling and micro-credit services. These group too, often lack financial resources to adequately respond to the problem.
    Many or children who are orphaned are forced to live on the streets or under exploitative conditions of labour, sexual abuse, prostitution and other forms of abuse. Many live in child-headed households where they have to fend for themselves and support their younger siblings. Some of these children are infected with HIV either through mother-to-child transmission or through defilement.
    I have visited your website and I found that your organization is supporting orphans and other vulnerable children.
    We are therefore, requesting your organization to work with our organization in partnership so that through your organization we can support many health centers with medical beds. At the moment, we can fund raise for funds to cover custom costs, transportation and your fees if needed.
    We are looking forward to hearing from you.
    Thank you,

    John Alfred Ejura
    Director - FCAAG

  • Contact details exchanged
    05 May 2017 06:41 GMT

    Guildance Community Development Foundation Verified non-profit organisation
    (Verified non-profit organisation)

    Adisa Kabiru Adeniyi says: Guildance Community Development Foundation is interested in this offer of Refurbished hospital beds and mattresses. We have being working in the area of health, poverty alleviation, education and empowerment in Nigeria.

  • Commented
    20 Jul 2017 03:43 GMT

    Haiti Action Collective (HACC)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    FLORANTIN Amos says: We are interested to know how much a bed cost.

    Contact us at this email address:

  • Commented
    16 Oct 2017 12:30 GMT

    Northern Uganda Environmental protection and Prevention of HIV / AIDS (NUEPHA)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    ADULA DICKSON says: ADULA DICKSON THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF Northern Uganda environmental protection and prevention of HIV /AIDS We are INTERESTED IN THIS OFFER ,WE are planting to start hospital in Alebtong District in Northern Uganda we were been partner with other health center to support the local communities in the region Northern Uganda environmental protection and prevention of HIV /AIDS formed in 2012 with it headquarter in Lira district and their aims to protect environment, improve the live hood and fight against the spread of HIV AIDS among the community in northern Uganda. The poverty level in this region is 65% compared to the national level ,therefore it’s the highest in the country thus affecting the livelihoods of these people As people settled in the camps for many years therefore, it led to reckless lives as result of heavy drinking and having unprotected sex. Many of them acquired AIDS/HIV. Therefore there is the need to continuously sensitize these people on the dangers of the disease Much as some heath center now provide some AIDS/HIV Services, But not every member of these communities have access to it . There fore there is the need to sensitize them and make the services nearer where by each community member is reached .They shall be counseled, tested and referred for CD 4 cell counts and subsequent introduction of ARVs for those found to be positive. We shall also sensitize them on the need for voluntary Medical male circumcision (MMC) as one of the strategists of preventing the spread of the HIV/AIDS.
    Not only that the trees have been indiscriminately cut down for construction poles and charcoal burning. Some tree species like shear tree in now threatened yet it’s a very economically valuable tree because of the shear butter oil which it produces. Big chucks of land are being cultivated after cutting down all the trees that would other wise protect the environment. Therefore NUEPHA aims to Train groups in all the sub- counties in northern Uganda on sustainable Environmental management, Agro forestry management, Wetlands management and distribute tree seedlings to farmers

  • Commented
    16 Oct 2017 12:33 GMT

    Northern Uganda Environmental protection and Prevention of HIV / AIDS (NUEPHA)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    ADULA DICKSON says: ADULA DICKSON THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF Northern Uganda environmental protection and prevention of HIV /AIDS We are INTERESTED IN THIS OFFER ,WE are planing to start hospital in Alebtong District in Northern Uganda we have been partner with other health center to support the local communities in the region Northern Uganda environmental protection and prevention of HIV /AIDS formed in 2012 with it headquarter in Lira district and their aims to protect environment, improve the live hood and fight against the spread of HIV AIDS among the community in northern Uganda. The poverty level in this region is 65% compared to the national level ,therefore it’s the highest in the country thus affecting the livelihoods of these people As people settled in the camps for many years therefore, it led to reckless lives as result of heavy drinking and having unprotected sex. Many of them acquired AIDS/HIV. Therefore there is the need to continuously sensitize these people on the dangers of the disease Much as some heath center now provide some AIDS/HIV Services, But not every member of these communities have access to it . There fore there is the need to sensitize them and make the services nearer where by each community member is reached .They shall be counseled, tested and referred for CD 4 cell counts and subsequent introduction of ARVs for those found to be positive. We shall also sensitize them on the need for voluntary Medical male circumcision (MMC) as one of the strategists of preventing the spread of the HIV/AIDS.
    Not only that the trees have been indiscriminately cut down for construction poles and charcoal burning. Some tree species like shear tree in now threatened yet it’s a very economically valuable tree because of the shear butter oil which it produces. Big chucks of land are being cultivated after cutting down all the trees that would other wise protect the environment. Therefore NUEPHA aims to Train groups in all the sub- counties in northern Uganda on sustainable Environmental management, Agro forestry management, Wetlands management and distribute tree seedlings to farmers

  • Contact details exchanged
    06 Nov 2017 11:14 GMT

    Relief Welfare Association for Social Awareness Welfare Society

    G.PRASADA RAO says: Greeting's from Relief charity, India. Sir, We would like to know details of each Bed's ,and other items cost ( Trans port and customs) kindly give little bit information. thank you.
    G.prasada rao

  • Commented
    09 Nov 2018 08:49 GMT

    Light And Life Mission
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Ebontane Charles Sone says: Greetings, Light And Life Mission is a Mission with a heart and passion to reach out to the unreached through Church planting, Evangelism, Training, Orphans, Women and Youths in our Community. We also help the affected persons who have been affected through the Crisis in the two Regions in Cameroon. We are also interested in Partnering with you in Cameroon. Let us know how much each of the beds and other items cost.
    Thanks for your cooperation.
    Rev Sone Charles
    President LLM/ Hope Center Orphanage

  • Commented
    27 Dec 2018 08:10 GMT

    African School Culture Organization -Ghana
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Alfred Kwame Mensah says: Hello Greetings from African School Culture Organization - Ghana, we are very interested in received these used hospital beds which will help serve over 40,000 people in a specific hospitals in Ghana. No bed syndrome has become a major challenge to the people of Ghana and in support to the government to fix this problem we would be happy if offer is given to support our hospitals.

    Alfred K Mensah
    African School Culture Organization- Ghana
    Post Office Box 7488
    Tel: +233556410230
    USA: +17819909718

  • Commented
    08 Aug 2019 12:03 GMT

    African School Culture Organization -Ghana
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Alfred Kwame Mensah says: Alfred Kwame Mensah says: Hello Greetings from African School Culture Organization - Ghana, we are very interested in received these used hospital beds which will help serve over 40,000 people in a specific hospitals in Ghana. No bed syndrome has become a major challenge to the people of Ghana and in support to the government to fix this problem we would be happy if offer is given to support our hospitals.

    Alfred K Mensah
    African School Culture Organization- Ghana
    Post Office Box 7488
    Tel: +233556410230
    USA: +17819909718

  • Commented
    11 Aug 2019 07:53 GMT

    Ludewa Orphans and Street Children Organisation (LUOSCHO)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Ludewa Orphans and Street Children Organisation says: may you kindly let me know on the price of each bed please. This will help us to make decission on how many beds we can request from you. We are interested on those beds very much.
    Louis Haule
    From Tanzania

  • Commented
    17 Aug 2019 08:31 GMT

    Amis des Étrangers au Togo: ADET
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Dosse SOSSOUGA says: ADET en veut 10 pour le


  • Commented
    17 Sep 2019 02:35 GMT

    Agnus Dei Missionary Apostolate for the poorest of the poor
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Sr Francisca okuguni says:
    My name is Rev Sr francisca okuguni a Franciscan sister working in
    Agnus Dei Missionary Apostolate for
    the poorest of the poor
    11 bomardek Avenue
    Ago palace way
    This home established and run by Rev Sr Josephine Okere is a home for 130 less privileged and orphans especially those affected by terrorists attack. These children range from creche, nursery to primary, college and higher institutions
    There is also a school for them
    Am interested in your offer
    Thanks and God Bless

  • Commented
    03 Oct 2019 08:57 GMT

    Prince Forde Foundation - Mendewa Clinic and Community Health Centre
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    imelda forde says: hi i would like to purchase some beds for our hospital in sierra leone. please email me or call 07847475776 uk line.

  • Commented
    23 Dec 2019 11:21 GMT

    Rivers of Living Water Mission
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Chisenga Kunda says: We have a new hospital in our community. Very soon they will start admitting patients with critical ailments. May I please know the price for your bed,especially hydraulic and electric. I am a lead pastor of Rivers of Living Water Missions, please check through our site:

  • Commented
    16 Feb 2020 09:33 GMT

    Ambassadors of God Organisation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    BLESSINGS CHIWOSI says: hi i would like to purchase some beds for our hospital in Malawi please contact me on

  • Commented
    15 Apr 2020 04:08 GMT

    Hope for Haiti
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Meg Orazio says: Good Morning, is this offer still active and can you provide details on the costs, shipping timeline and how many containers 40 beds would need? My organization is interested in 40 beds to be shipped to Haiti.

  • Commented
    02 Aug 2020 09:56 GMT

    The Mawoudit Foundation (MF-SS)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    John G. Deng says: We are interested to know how much per a bed ?
    Best regard
    John Garang Deng
    Co-founder and Executive director
    What'sapp Number: +211924495216

  • Commented
    02 Nov 2020 03:41 GMT

    Light And Life Mission
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Ebontane Charles Sone says: Greetings from Light And life mission- Cameroon, this donations will really be of a big blessing to our people who have in war for four years now. Many have lost their properties, homes,many leaving in bushes,, many are dying nearly every day. Your donations will really be of a big blessing.
    Rev Sone Charles

  • Commented
    21 Nov 2020 01:24 GMT

    Association de Producteurs des Céréales de l'Uélé (APCU_KIBALI) OR. UÉLÉ CEREAL GROWERS ASSOCIATION
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    PALUKU KAPITENI JOSUÉ says: Greetings from DRCONGO,
    We are interested in this offer,we speak both English and French.
    APCU_KIBALI is a DRCONGO registered community-driven initiative aimed at supporting the most vulnerable groups(youths,women,children,disabled people, Elderly people)living arround the Gold Mining areas by involving them into income generating activities for self-reliance and the nutrition support programs whereby we partner with schools and hospitals to donate nutritious food to undernourished children,pregnant women and those women who have hard condition after they have given birth such as those in anemic cases.
    Our partnering hospitals and health centers have beds but are under poor conditions they also lack médecine.

    For the well-being of our women and children who attend these facilities,we need your support to help each other.
    Your offer is mostly welcome here.

    Hope to hearing from you

  • Commented
    24 Jan 2021 03:10 GMT

    Jesus Refuge Mission South Africa (Jromsa)
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Tamara says: interested

  • Commented
    18 Mar 2021 02:46 GMT

    Light And Life Mission
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Ebontane Charles Sone says: I trust you are doing great, we are interested in your donation as the beds and the Metrasses will be of a great help to our two English speaking Regions that has been in problem now for 5 years. Thou send lost their properties and now leaving in bushes.
    Thanks for being a blessing to our people in need.
    Rev Sone Charles

  • Commented
    17 Jun 2021 03:09 GMT

    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Uchenna Celestine Okonkwor says: Hello,
    My dear.
    We are a faith based organization and we run schools for the poor and less privileged.
    Please am interested to have the shipment. I based in Lagos, Nigeria.

  • Commented
    08 Sep 2022 11:58 GMT

    Lucinda's Beautiful Heritage Charity Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Lucinda BANCEL says: Hello,

    My name is LUCINDA BANCEL, founder of The «Lucinda’s Beautiful Heritage (a.k.a My Beautiful Heritage)» based in Sierra Leone

    I am also the Assistant Secretary General and PRO 2 of The Blama Happy Family, a self-help community development focus based non-profit association created by the descendants of Blama Town, Small Bo Chiefdom, Sierra Leone.

    I here represent both LBH and BHF and to register our interests.

    Infact, LBH is presently embarking on fund raising project to provide 250 wheelchairs to the medical ecosystem in Sierra Leone and BHF is actually building a modern maternity ward at the Blama Clinic. SO as you can see, this donations which will really be of a great blessing to our people in Sierra Leone.

    We're interested in 60 beds donations to be spilt btw the two associations. Pls kindly contact me with info on cost per a bed and shippingof a 40ft high cube container.

    Looking forward to hearing from you

    Lucinda BANCEL