Middle East
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The MDGs: Everyone’s Business

The MDGs: Everyone’s Business is a new report from UNDP’s Growing Inclusive Markets (GIM) Initiative covering 40 case studies and over 140 supporting institutions referenced by specific MDGs, released on 21 September 2010 in the framework of the United Nations Summit on the Millennium Development...
Accelerating Progress Towards the Millennium Development Goals Through Inclusive Business Delivering Results: Moving Towards Scale

Report on an inclusive business dialogue held 21 September 2010 during the UN summit on the millennium development goals.
Creating Value for All: Strategies for Doing Business with the Poor - a UNDP report

Creating Value for All: Strategies for Doing Business with the Poor is the new and groundbreaking report launched on 1 July by the UN Development Programme.
UNICEF - Lebanon page

This United Nations organisation provides the latest statistical data on Lebanon, giving indicators of the current poverty situation in the country. Statistics are given under topics such as education, nutrition, mortality, water and sanitation. All the data comes from the appropriate United...
UNICEF - Israel page

This United Nations organisation provides the latest statistical data on Israel. Statistics are given under topics such as education, nutrition, mortality, water and sanitation. All the data comes from the appropriate United Nations agency whenever possible and is accompanied by definitions and...
Israel maps

The Israel country profile on this development information website includes a map section. The site also has a list of other map resources (http://www.ids.ac.uk/eldis/maps/maps.htm).
Virtual library on international development - Lebanon page

A collection of links to international development resources on the internet, including teh country profile, its commitment to Canada and related documents.
Oman information

A development information website, with a country profile on Oman. Has sections on poverty, trade, economics, aid and food security, which provide links to relevant pages. Also includes a map section, and a list of government bodies.
Lebanon information

A development information website, with a country profile on Lebanon. Has sections on poverty, trade, economics, aid and food security, which provide links to relevant pages. Also includes a map section, and a list of government bodies.
World Factbook 2011 - Israel page

The World Factbook 2011, published by the US government, gives extensive information on Israel. It lists facts such as the population, ethnic groups, and literacy rates, as well as providing detailed political, geographical and economic data. In addition it outlines the transportation and...
ReliefWeb - Iraq page

ReliefWeb is a UN project serving the information needs of the humanitarian relief world. It includes a country-by-country guide, with an entry for Iraq. Topics include disaster history, geography and economics, infrastructure, and media links. ReliefWeb also has a list of other country profiles...
World Travel Guide - Oman page

An impressive, well structured country-by-country travel guide, with an entry for every nation in the world. The Oman page has an overview of the country as well as detailed information on accommodation, climate, currency, obtaining visas, internal and international travel, international dialling...
World Travel Guide - Lebanon page

An impressive, well structured country-by-country travel guide, with an entry for every nation in the world. The Lebanon page has an overview of the country as well as detailed information on accommodation, climate, currency, obtaining visas, internal and international travel, international...
World Factbook 2011 - Oman page

The World Factbook 2011, published by the US government, gives extensive information on Oman. It lists facts such as the population, ethnic groups, and literacy rates, as well as providing detailed political, geographical and economic data. In addition it outlines the transportation and...
World Factbook 2011 - Lebanon page

The World Factbook 2011, published by the US government, gives extensive information on Lebanon. It lists facts such as the population, ethnic groups, and literacy rates, as well as providing detailed political, geographical and economic data. In addition it outlines the transportation and...
UNOCHA Dubai Liaison Office

The OCHA Dubai Liaison Office was established in 2009 when the Regional Office for the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia relocated from Dubai to Cairo. The office facilitates staff movement and provides logistics support to OCHA country offices and Humanitarian Support Units in the region....
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Egypt

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Egypt. This website provides information about the UNDP activities in Egypt, together with a country profile.
Dubai International Humanitarian & Re-Development Conference & Exhibition (DIHAD) 1-3 April 2012
DIHAD is a humanitarian aid, disaster management and re-development event that takes place in Dubai every year. DIHAD is recognised as the leading humanitarian event in the region and aims to help facilitate a greater and more efficient relationship between aid agencies, NGO's, suppliers and needy...