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Community-Business Partnerships Help Sheets

These help sheets, designed by the Australian Institute of Corporate Responsibility, are designed to take users through the main steps of initiating, nurturing and expanding community-business partnerships.
The MDGs: Everyone’s Business

The MDGs: Everyone’s Business is a new report from UNDP’s Growing Inclusive Markets (GIM) Initiative covering 40 case studies and over 140 supporting institutions referenced by specific MDGs, released on 21 September 2010 in the framework of the United Nations Summit on the Millennium Development...
Fiji maps

The Fiji country profile on this development information website includes a map section. The site also has a list of other map resources (http://www.ids.ac.uk/eldis/maps/maps.htm).
World Factbook 2011 - Fiji page

The World Factbook 2011, published by the US government, gives extensive information on Fiji. It lists facts such as the population, ethnic groups, and literacy rates, as well as providing detailed political, geographical and economic data. In addition it outlines the transportation and...
World Factbook 2011- Australia page

The World Factbook 2011, published by the US government, gives extensive information on Australia. It lists facts such as the population, ethnic groups, and literacy rates, as well as providing detailed political, geographical and economic data. In addition it outlines the transportation and...
World Travel Guide - Samoa page

An impressive, well structured country-by-country travel guide, with an entry for every nation in the world. The Samoa page has an overview of the country as well as detailed information on accommodation, climate, currency, obtaining visas, internal and international travel, international dialling...
Relief Web - Fiji page

A UN project serving the information needs of the humanitarian relief world. Includes a country-by-country guide, with an entry for Fiji. Topics include disaster history, geography and economics, infrastructure, and media links. Also has a list of other country profiles websites and links to...
World Factbook 2011 - Samoa page

The World Factbook 2011, published by the US government, gives extensive information on Samoa. It lists facts such as the population, ethnic groups, and literacy rates, as well as providing detailed political, geographical and economic data. In addition it outlines the transportation and...
UNICEF - Samoa page

UNICEF provides the latest statistical data on Samoa, with indicators of the current poverty situation in the country in relation to children. The page provides statistics for indicators such as education, nutrition, mortality, water and sanitation. All the data comes from the appropriate United...
World Travel Guide - Fiji page

An impressive, well structured country-by-country travel guide, with an entry for every nation in the world. The Fiji page has an overview of the country as well as detailed information on accommodation, climate, currency, obtaining visas, internal and international travel, international dialling...
World Travel Guide - Australia page

An impressive, well structured country-by-country travel guide, with an entry for every nation in the world. The Australia page has an overview of the country as well as detailed information on accommodation, climate, currency, obtaining visas, internal and international travel, international...
Relief Web - Samoa page

A UN project serving the information needs of the humanitarian relief world. Includes a country-by-country guide, with an entry for Samoa. Topics include disaster history, geography and economics, infrastructure, and media links. Also has a list of other country profiles websites and links to...
Samoa map page

A United Nations map resource, with a relief map of Samoa, and a map showing the effects of 2009 Tsunami. Also includes a map of the South Pacific Islands.
ACFID Code of Conduct

The ACFID Code of Conduct is a voluntary, self regulatory industry code for non government development organisations.
Australian Guidelines for Drug Donations to Developing Countries

Australian Guidelines for Drug Donations to Developing Countries are based on the international Guidelines for Drug Donations developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 1996. The document lists a set of core principles, and guidelines on selection of drugs, quality and shelf-life of drugs,...
Flood Observatory - Dartmouth

Flood Observatory - Dartmouth detects, maps, measures, and analyzes extreme flood events worldwide using satellite remote sensing. Imaging of selected river reaches is used to detect floods and extreme low flow conditions. The Observatory also provides yearly catalogues, large-scale maps, and...
Relief Competency Standards

This Humanitarian Relief Training Package developed by World Vision attempts to define the set of skills required for competency in several areas of humanitarian relief. It is primarily aimed at supporting national staff within countries likely to experience humanitarian disasters.
Business Call to Action

The Business Call to Action (BCTA) is a focal point for mobilising the efforts of companies to contribute to the MDGs through their core business expertise. A key aspect of this initiative is to encourage companies dealing with developing countries to adapt their business models to help improve the...
Customs Authorities - Webpages

Customs Authorities - Webpages, by Jetta Express, provides links to those countries which have customs authorities webpages.