Middle East
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Middle Eastern NGOs Gateway Project - Libya

The Middle Eastern NGO Gateway Project provides a database and information about NGOs operating in countries in the Middle East, together with information about technology, recent articles and press releases of interest to NGOs.
UNICEF - Oman page

UNICEF provides the latest statistical data on Oman, with indicators of the current poverty situation in the country in relation to children. The page provides statistics for indicators such as education, nutrition, mortality, water and sanitation. All the data comes from the appropriate United...
World Travel Guide - Israel page

An impressive, well structured country-by-country travel guide, with an entry for every nation in the world. The Israel page has an overview of the country as well as detailed information on accommodation, climate, currency, obtaining visas, internal and international travel, international dialling...
The use of private security providers and services in humanitarian operations

A 2008 global survey of aid organisations conducted for this research revealed that the contracting of certain security functions to external professionals has become increasingly common among humanitarian operations worldwide. This trend has followed both the rise in aid worker violence and the...
Palestine Fair Trade General Guidelines

The Palestine Fair Trade Association Guidelines include: 1) Guidelines for Farmers and/or Producers 2) Guidelines for Labor and Employment 3) Environmental Guidelines 4) Trader and Distributor Guidelines
World Travel Guide - Iraq

This travel guide on Iraq includes climatic data on temperatures, rainfall and humidity, and also suggests clothing for the summer and winter seasons. Some practical information of traveling Iraq is also provided. English, German, French and Spanish versions are available.
UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) - TRAINS (TRade Analysis and INformation System) - Lebanon page

The TRAINS country notes summarise the trade control measures, tariffs and other import regulations.
History in the News: The Middle East

Operated by the History Department of the University at Albany (State University of New York), the site provides comprehensive links for the study of the Middle East. Along with general resources, the website has categorised sections on history, culture, society, religion, economics, politics, maps...
Iraq Map

The UN Iraq map site shows authorised entry points into Iraq for humanitarian supplies. The map is provided by the UN Oil for Food Programme.
Jordanian Yellow Pages

The Jordanian Yellow Pages allow for a search under "NGO" which provides a list of local charities with contact details. Using this directory you can search by name, activity, area and city.
Iran's Export-Import Regulations

This is an internet directory which lists rules and regulations for importing and exporting goods in Iran. It provides internet resources on conditions and regulations in Iran.
Useful Information and Resources for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development in Tunisia

This site provides news, information and resources regarding environmental protection and sustainable development in Tunisia. In particular, this link provides other useful organisations and links relating to Tunisia's environment and development, with links to other governmental and...
UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) - TRAINS (TRade Analysis and INformation System) - Morocco page

The TRAINS country notes summarise the trade control measures, tariffs and other import regulations.
Israel map page

ReliefWeb is a United Nations information portal and includes a map resource. This link shows general maps of Israel and the surrounding area.
United Nations Assistance Misssion for Iraq (UNAMI)

The United Nations Assistance Misssion for Iraq (UNAMI) hosts a web portal for UN agencies and NGOs working in Iraq.

Arab.Net, an online resource covering countries in the Middle East and North Africa, offers information includes history, geography, culture, government, tour guides and business facts. There are also links to country-oriented websites.
Directory of Iranian NGOs

This document is a directory listing NGOs in Iran. Provided by UNODC, the directory includes the address, phone no., contact person, areas of activity and other information about individual NGOs.
Relief Web - Israel page

The Relief Web is a UN project serving the information needs of the humanitarian relief world. The Web includes a country-by-country guide, with an entry for Israel. Topics include disaster history, vulnerable groups and other related information reported by different media and organisations. There...
Draft Two SFTMS (Sustainable Fair Trade Management System) Standard

SFTMS is the new worldwide standard for the independent certification of organisations which demonstrate Fair Trade business practices. The requirements of this standard are applicable to any organisation applying Fair Trade principles in all its business processes regardless of the nature of...
UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) - TRAINS (TRade Analysis and INformation System) - Egypt page

The TRAINS country notes summarise the trade control measures, tariffs and other import regulations.