Middle East
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UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) - TRAINS (TRade Analysis and INformation System) - Saudi Arabia page

The TRAINS country notes summarise the trade control measures, tariffs and other import regulations adopted by Saudi Arabia. Includes information on pre-shipment inspection, food expiry date restrictions, packaging requirements, prohibited products, import licences, tax and customs duty.
Kuwait TRAINS page

The Kuwait TRAINS page has country notes summarising the trade control measures, tariffs and other import regulations adopted by Kuwait. The information contained in the country notes are based on information collected and received by the TRAINS development team in its effort to develop and...
Customs Regulations - Egypt

This overview of Egypt customs regulations states that one can import "Household goods duty-free for government, oil company and Aid Project personnel, provided a Letter of Guarantee is submitted approving the import and stating that the shipment will be re-exported".
Middle East Library for Economic Services

This online library lists a number if customs documents relating to the import of goods into Egypt. Included is the Customs Exemptions Law.
Iraq Climate

The Iraq Climate page, compiled by an international security company, provides information about the Iraqi climate, including min/max temperatures for four regions (Mountains, Western/Southern Desert, Rolling Upland, and Tigris/Euphrates Delta). The page also provides temperature and rainfall...
Directory of UN Agencies in Morocco

This site provides a directory of and information about all UN agencies in Morocco.
Alertnet: Iraq page

Disaster relief website with information about Iraq, including facts on the climate, population, language and ethnic groups. Also has a political profile, detailed information on the communication and transportation infrastructure, and human development and economic statistics.
Humanitarian Information Centre (HIC) - Iraq

The HIC (Humanitarian Information Center) for Iraq is an initiative of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The purpose is to act as a central location for data and information resources, with the aim of reinforcing co-ordination and humanitarian response activities.
UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) - TRAINS (TRade Analysis and INformation System) - Tunisia page

The TRAINS country notes summarise the trade control measures, tariffs and other import regulations.
Law restricting the work of NGOs

This web page provides information on Law 84 of 2002 (the NGO Law), passed by Egypt's Shura Council (People's Assembly) on the 3rd of June 2002. A direct affront to the right to freedom of association, the NGO Law invests the Egyptian Ministry of Social Affairs with wide powers over the operation...
United Nations (UN) - Jordan

The United Nations website for Jordan provides a description of all UN- based agencies with offices in Jordan, together with their address, web pages and other relevant informations.
UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) - TRAINS (TRade Analysis and INformation System) - Kuwait page

The TRAINS country notes summarise the trade control measures, tariffs and other import regulations.