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Global Hand non-profit listing

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Dewdrops Community Centre for Special Needs and Vulnerable Women

The Dewdrops Community Centre for Special Needs and Vulnerable Women® is a Nigerian NGO that caters for a targeted population of low income earning families through donations from individuals and corporate bodies. The centre provides Special Education Needs services.

Changing Mentalities And Empowering Groups (CHAMEG)

Changing Mentalities and Empowering Groups (CHAMEG) is an NGO that operates in Cameroon and addresses problems related to the preservation, storage, marketing, and processing of food among the underprivileged. Its activities include training programmes, loan programmes, marketing of farmers'...

Janamangal (Centre for Independent Living)

Janamangal (Centre for Independent Living) is an Indian NGO that aims to help tribal women to improve their lives through training, counselling and entrepreneurship.


The VAIGAI Trust (Voluntary Action for Integrated Global Awareness and Innovation) is an Indian NGO that assists deprived communities, focusing on the welfare of women and children and on managing natural resources for a sustainable future. The Trust works in education, conservation and human...

Women's Centers International

Women's Centers International (WCI) is an American NGO that develops community-based centres for women affected by chronic poverty and war. The centres provide training programmes that empower members to identify their potential and to create progressive and sustainable life and work options. Each...


Spandan ia an Indian NGO that campaigns to save water and forests and for a pollution free world. The organisation also runs cultural programmes and health camps, and campaigns against the trafficking of women.

Inter-Confessional AIDS Network (INTERNAP) Cameroon

Inter-Confessional AIDS Network (INTERNAP) CAMEROON is an organisation established by 4 faith-based women's organisations. The aim of the Network is to promote woman’s rights and to reduce the impact of HIV and AIDS transmission especially in rural communities in Cameroon, also to fight against...

King World Missions

King World Missions is a Zambian NGO that looks after orphans and vulnerable children from Mutendere, gives them the education they could not have got any other way and gives them opportunities to make informed decisions about their world. The organisation also supports a Women's Self Help Group...

RobinHood Ministries

RobinHood Ministries is a UK-based Christian charity that works with a community of businesses who support the reduction of international poverty. The charity aims to enable the business community to become more profitable and thus able to share prosperity that can then be used to invest in...

Humanist Watch Salone

Humanist Watch Salone (HUWASAL) is an NGO in Sierra Leone. The organisation envisages a society that empowers marginalized people and vulnerable groups to participate fully in peaceful and sustainable development initiatives. HUWASAL works in war affected rural communities, designing and...