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Global Hand non-profit listing

Results are sorted by date modified.

Bigogwe Trust

The Bigogwe Trust seeks to relieve sickness and to protect and preserve the health of people residing in the provinces of Gisenyi and Ruhengeri, Rwanda. This is achieved primarily through the work of the Bigogwe Health Centre.

Yayasan Pendidikan Indonesia (ICDL Lisensi)

Yayasan Pendidikan Indonesia (ICDL Lisensi) is the governing body of the ECDL Foundation/ICDL (an internationally recognised qualification for computer users outside Europe) in the Republic of Indonesia. ICDL Lisensi is currently working with The Ministry of Religious Affairs to implement the ICDL...


Guzakuza is a Ghanaian NGO working on agricultural issues in order to improve food security.

Donewell Association of Women Entrepreneurs and Youths Empowerment ( DAWEYE )

Donewell Association of Women Entrepreneurs and Youths Empowerment (DAWEYE) is an NGO in Cameroon that aims to facilitate the development of women`s enterprises by strengthening and building their entrepreneurial and management capacities. The NGO advocates for programmes that will enhance...

Megabridge Foundation

The Megabridge Foundation is a Kenyan NGO promoting sustainable livelihoods.

Centre for Environmental Action and Development (CEAD)

The Centre for Environmental Action and Development (CEAD) is a Nepalese NGO that aims to transform the quality of life in marginalized communities through education, technology and sustainable harvesting and management of natural resources.

Change Life Foundation

The Change Life Foundation is an NGO in the Philippines. The Foundation works for poor and people in need in the community.

The Turing Trust

The Turing Trust is a UK based development charity improving education and employability skills in sub-Saharan Africa. The Trust sources used computers in the UK and is thus able to offer students in rural areas of Ghana and other African countries access to information technology and a bridge...

Shines Children's Foundation

Shines children’s foundation (SCF) is a Ugandan NGO that works for disadvantaged children. The organisation supports and cares for orphans, vulnerable children, and the elderly.

The Mindset Transformation and Aid Organization

The Mindset Transformation and Aid Organization is an advocacy and development NGO in Nigeria that advocates on behalf of urban slums and rural communities, and promotes citizenship through strategic community-based initiatives. Its advocacy operations are focused on creating global awareness of...