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Global Hand non-profit listing

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Tem Foundation

The Tem Foundation is a South African NGO that works in Cameroon and a number of other African countries, training the underprivileged in skills and activities to improve their lives. Areas in which TEM is involved include: health and HIV/AIDS, education/ training and skill development,...

Christ Towers Junior School Kiboga Ltd.

Christ Towers Junior School Kiboga Ltd. is a community based kindergarten and primary school in Uganda. The school provides education to poor rural children.

Society for Education and Rural Development

The Society for Education and Rural Development' is an Indian NGO working for rural people in need. It provides vocational training for the unemployed, as well as watershed management, and conducts awareness programmes on HIV, RTI acts of 2005 and 2010 as well as women's and children's rights. The...

Fever Relief Fund

The Fever Relief Fund (FRF) is an NGO based in the USA that works for disadvantaged young people and single parent families in the USA and in Ghana. The Fund runs a number of projects, for example, after school soccer programmes, mentoring and training in social skills. The Fund also works with...

Hope Care Ugandan

Hope Care Uganda is an NGO that provides education and other basic needs to orphans and vulnerable children and their families. The organisation operates in kindergartens, elementary schools, secondary schools and communities.

Carribean Chistian Centre for the Deaf

The Caribbean Christian Centre for the Deaf operates three schools on the island of Jamaica. It has residential facilities where the children receive basic education, vocational training and religious education. The organisation headquarter is in the USA.

Centre for Social Ethics - Maadili Centre

Centre for Social Ethics - Maadili Centre is a Tanzanian NGO that works on poverty reduction. Maadili Centre is committed to build the capacity of different actors in the society: children, young people and adults, individually or in groups, to enable them to see their potential and opportunities...

International Humanity Foundation

International Humanity Foundation (IHF) is an American NGO that believes in equal opportunity for all and in preserving the cultures, traditions and beliefs of the marginalized communities it works in. The Foundation runs educational programmes in a number of countries around the world and also a...

Marketing Gate

Marketing Gate is an NGO in Macedonia that promotes friendship among youngsters and cross-border communications. It provides knowledge for students and marginalized groups through non-formal education and connecting young people without reference to their nationality, religion, political, economic...

Clean Power for Humanity Limited

Clean Power for Humanity Limited is a Chinese NGO that specializes in providing green powered solutions to rural villages to increase their livelihood. Green solutions include solar panels and wind turbine solutions