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Global Hand non-profit listing

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Mbonweh Women's Development Association

The Mbonweh Women's Development Association is a women-led NGO in Cameroon that strives for equal justice and fair treatment of all irrespective of gender. The Association works a range of initiatives including education and vocational training, sustainable agriculture, women's empowerment,...

Yambest Sustainable Development Common Initiative Group

The Yambest Sustainable Development Common Initiative Group is an NGO in Cameroon. The Group aims to promote agriculture,livestock,fishing and vegetable gardening, and has identified a farm the members would like to buy. Currently, however, there are insufficient funds to do this. The Group hopes...

Liberia Science Foundation

Liberia Science Foundation is an NGO that promotes, supports and encourages science, technology, engineering and mathematics education. The Foundation works with development partners to help improve the quality of science education and solicit funding to support scientific research activities...

New Life Centre

The New Life Centre is a Christian organisation in India that serves poor and needy children from remote and tribal villages. The organisation is particularly interested in the development of orphans and is working to set up an orphanage with boarding facilities for which they are currently...

SSPC Vocational Training Centre

The SSPC Vocational Training Centre is a Tanzanian NGO that provides vocational training to at risk young people from the poorest local families, orphans, caregivers (women), elderly people, widows and widowers, and street children. Training courses offered include a secretarial course, computer...

Triple-D Foundation (TDF)

Triple-D Foundation is an NGO that caters for the moral and intellectual development of children and young adults in the Gambia. Triple-D assists and guides children, young people and the homeless to achieve their potential through self-discipline, self-discovery and self-development. The...

Helping Children

Helping Chldren is a Sri Lankan NGO that focuses on children and young people. The organisation is involved in a range of programmes including early childhood development, protection of children's rights, protection of the environment, entrepreneurial development, education and training, health...

Enactus Strathclyde

Enactus Strathclyde is a social enterprise set up by students in Scotland. The organisation has a microfinance team, and in addition, works on technology development in order to assist small businesses in less developed countries.

Robert Blake Secondary School

The Robert Blake Secondary School is an educational institution in Malawi. The school has approximately 500 students, all of whom are boys.

Association for Care of People with Epilepsy in Lebanon Verified non-profit organisation

The Association for the Care of People with Epilepsy in Lebanon (ECAL) is an NGO that targets people with epilepsy in order to address their needs. The Association supports patients medically and socially, helping them become active and, if possible, financially independent. The Association has...