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Global Hand non-profit listing

Results are sorted by date modified.

Christ Aid House

The Christ Aid House is an NGO in Sierra Leone that aims to assist needy children, men and women. The organisation runs a centre providing help including food, clothing, medical and school supplies, for orphans and homeless people.

Tribal Development Gospel Association

The Tribal Development Gospel Association is an Indian Christian organisation that is involved in child care in addition to its faith-based activities. The Association is attempting to raise funds for an orphanage project.

Girls on the Run of the Bay Area

Girls on the Run of the Bay Area is an NGO in San Francisco. The organisation works with schools on programmes that combine training for a 5K or 1-mile community running event with healthy living education. The curriculum-based programmes instil self-esteem and strong values through health...

Centre for Youth Development

The Centre for Youth Development is an NGO in Malawi that works on youth empowerment. The organisation advocates for the protection and promotion of the human rights of young people and children, lobbies the government and other stakeholders on climate change, and provides information HIV/AIDS,...

Africa Sustainable Tourism Care Foundation

Africa Sustainable Tourism Care Foundation (ASTCF) is a Ugandan NGO that promotes innovative practices helping to reduce poverty, empower local communities, fight gender inequality, encourage conservation of cultural and natural heritage and foster sustainable development through tourism. ASTCF...

Carry a Smile Foundation

The Carry a Smile Foundation is a Gambian NGO involved in issues related to child protection,health care,and education.

Busoga Integrated Development and Care Foundation

Busoga Integrated Development and Care Foundation (BIDCAF) is a Christian Ugandan NGO established to serve marginalised and deprived members of the community. BIDCAF runs a number of programmes focusing on its target groups, including people living with HIV/AIDS, orphans and women: the Orphans...

Safe Alliance Nepal

Safe Alliance Nepal is an NGO that works on issues related to empowerment of women, skill development, and the environment.

Global Partnership for Development

Global Partnership for Development is a Congolese NGO that aims to empower vulnerable groups through sustainable development, the culture of peace, respect for human dignity and human rights and to provide humanitarian aid.

The Green Patch

The Green Patch is a Hong Kong publishing and educational services company that focuses on educational books and consultancy in micro-gardening systems adapted to bio-intensive horticulture, suitable for small-scale, local poverty alleviation programmes.