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Global Hand non-profit listing

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Muslim Charity

Muslim Charity is a British based organisation that aims to become a global catalyst and partner of choice to end poverty. The Charity works in 17 countries and in the past few years has reached more than one million vulnerable people. The Charity aims to assist in emergencies by saving lives and...

The Ideas Partnership

The Ideas Partnership is an NGO that aims to harness the power of volunteers to tackle challenges in Kosovo in education, the environment and cultural heritage promotion, and in particular to support Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities

Haiwad Relief Forum (HRF)

The Haiwad Relief Forum (HRF) is an NGO in Pakistan that works for community empowerment. Projects include welfare, a literacy programme, a health project, a computer project and children's projects.

Holy Heart Foundation

The Holy Heart Foundation is a Ghanaian NGO that works for marginalized children, women and the aged. The organization works on issues related to education, health, the of orphans and vulnerable children including street children.

Sierra Leone Action

Sierra Leone Action is a group of individuals located both in Sierra Leone and in the Diaspora. They represent a variety of industries and backgrounds culminating in a broad network of experience and talent whose aim is to reduce mortality rates and improve overall outcome for victims of Ebola; to...

Katilu Ward Students Association (KWASA)

The Katilu Ward Students’ Association (KWASA) is a Kenyan association for students in Turkana County. KWASA aims to unite students from various districts in the County and to help improve their lives.

The Empowerment Action Programme (TEAP)

The Empowerment Action Programme (TEAP) is a Ugandan NGO that works on capacity building for small organisations, and supports orphans and vulnerable children. TEAP also runs HIV/AIDS intervention programmes and helps women to become self supporting.

MEFAG Children Centre

MEFAG Children Centre is an NGO in a Kenyan slum that cares for infected and affected HIV/AIDS orphans. MEFAG has helped 500 orphans since its inception, many of whom have completed basic education.

Voluntary Organization for Rural Development-in-Action (AVORD)

The Voluntary Organization for Rural Development-in-Action (AVORD) is an Indian NGO that is committed to raising awareness of the role of education in social change among grassroots communities. The organisation focuses on deprived children, including street children, orphans and the children of...

Opportunity International Australia

Opportunity International Australia provides small loans to families in developing countries to help them start a business, earn an income and leave poverty behind. By helping a mother buy a sewing machine to start a tailoring business or a father buy seeds to plant a vegetable garden, small loans...