This offer is no longer available to non-profit organisations.

More than 300,000 units of hand sanitiser available at cost price in Australia

General information

Overall description

An alcohol manufacturer in Australia pivoted to hand sanitiser production during Covid. They now have a large quantity that is in excess and wish to make it available to a charity outside Australia so it can be used in an area where it is needed. They are not able to donate it, but are willing to sell it at cost price, or to negotiate the price with a charity that may have budget to purchase hand sanitiser. They may be willing to help with shipping costs or to bring on a sponsor to help with this, and have discussed giving back to the charity 10% of the amount bought in cash.

Costs, volumes and quantities are listed below. Currency is Australian Dollars (AUD).

• 500ml Clear/Amber – $2.5 / Quantity: 99,670
• 250ml – $1.64 / Quantity: 49,291
• 100ml (screw top)- $0.88 / Quantity: uknwn
• 100ml (flip top) – $0.91 / Quantity: 96,432
• 50ml (flip top) – $0.79 / Quantity: 49,287

The expiration date is 12+ months away. Exact date available on request.


Available now.

Partnership types

Provision of goods

Goods details

Goods description

Hand sanitiser in various sizes

Type(s) of goods

Medicine & health


More than 300,000 bottles of various sizes


Victoria, Australia

Frequency (one-off or ongoing)

I will be offering these goods on a one off basis.

Cost of goods

There is a cost.
As per description


I cannot assist with transport.


These goods are within expiry date.

Expiry date



These goods are new.



Organisation details

Organisation name

Global Hand

Contact details

Only verified non-profit organisations who have exchanged contact details may view this.


  • Commented
    18 Jul 2021 01:18 GMT

    Omuto Foundation
    Unverified non-profit organisation

    Mark Mutumba says: Dear Global Hand,
    As One 4 Another children's charity, we will be happy if considered for this offer. For details about us visit

    Thank you,
    Mark Mike Mutumba