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Navigating the New World of Partnership

Recent years have seen radical change in the landscape of engagement between the corporate world and others battling issues of global concern. The invaluable role that business can play has increasingly been understood as partnership models have brought together corporations, governments,...
International initiatives to promote responsible business: A navigation guide for business

Recognition of the fact that companies have a responsibility for their impact is now firmly established but there is still a gap in understanding what the international community expects of business in this area. The number of initiatives and standards relevant to corporate responsibility has...
A business guide to development actors: Introducing company managers to the development community

This guide aims to introduce the business community to potential partners in the development community. It is a first port of call for managers who are interested in working with a development organization, but unsure of how to begin.
WHO Guidelines for Health Care Equipment Donations

Many developing countries are increasingly dependent on donor assistance to meet the equipment needs of their health care systems. However, because not all important parameters are taken into consideration, donations sometimes do not achieve their intended objectives, and could even constitute...
Base of the Pyramid Protocol 2nd Edition (2008)
The most recent version of the BoP Protocol, drawing upon lessons and experiences implementing the BoP Protocol in Nairobi, Kenya as well as in communities in Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Parvathagiri in India.
Business Linkages: Enabling Access to Markets at the BoP
By International Finance Corporation, International Business Leaders Forum, and the CSR Initiative at the Harvard Kennedy School
The Next 4 Billion: Market Size and Business Strategy at the Base of the Pyramid
Discussions of base of the economic pyramid (BOP) markets have, until now, relied principally on business case studies and rough estimates of market size. The Next 4 Billion uses previously unreleased data to measure market opportunity at the BOP.
Making Private Standards Work for You: A guide to private standards in the garments, footwear and furniture sectors

Today, more and more companies in developing countries and emerging economies are becoming global producers. The liberalisation of consumer markets provides these companies with opportunities for exporting their products to global markets where they are increasingly required to comply with...
The Labour Principles of the United Nations Global Compact: A Guide for Business
This Guide includes a brief description of each of the four Global Compact labour principles: freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour; the effective abolition of child labour; and the...
Pro Bono / In-Kind / Donated Services for Mission-Based Organizations When, Why & How?

There are all sorts of professionals who want to donate their services -- web design, graphic design, human resources expertise, legal advice, editing, research, and so forth -- to mission-based organizations (nonprofits, non-governmental organizations, schools, etc.). And there are all sorts of...
6 tips for doing pro bono web-design

There are a number of challenges faced by designers when attempting to start a pro bono project. Here are some guidelines to make sure you and the client get the most out of the pro bono project.
The Athens Ethical principles

The Athens Ethical Principles were adopted by business companies in Athens on 23 January 2006, to combat human trafficking worldwide by focusing on seven main areas.