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Global Hand Website in Russian - January, 2007

We are delighted that 2007 finds us launching a Russian version of Global Hand.
South Asia Earthquake REACT Webpage - October, 2005

We have launched a new page in our REACT section, with information on the South Asia earthquake crisis.
Customs Information for the Tsunami Affected Countries - March, 2005

Important changes to tax exemption laws.
Global Hand at DIHAD, Dubai - April, 2008

“Collaboration is not an option, it is a necessity. Only by working together can we further our ability to alleviate suffering, and help to restore a measure of hope and humanity to a world sorely in need of both.” – Sir John Holmes, Under-Secretary General for UNOCHA at the 2008 DIHAD: Dubai...
Trade, Aid or Traid? Getting it right with the private sector - May, 2008

We are regularly being asked to broaden Global Hand's services. While retaining our traditional 'matching' activity, many have enquired if Global Hand can support the wider engagement between for-profit and non-profit entities in today's landscape of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and...
Ells Culver, a Diplomat for the Poor - August, 2005

We have grieved deeply to hear about the death of Ells Culver, a Charter Member of Global Hand.
Improved Funding Offering - January, 2004

Funding continues to remain the big issue for many of us as we look to the year ahead. So Global Hand has continued research, digging out further names of organisations that specialise in funding activities in the humanitarian arena.
An ounce of prevention: The case for Disaster Risk Management - Oct 2008

One dollar spent in disaster prevention, the experts tell us, is worth four dollars spent in disaster response. Business companies have to find the math compelling...
Travel Guide - August, 2003

Having trouble flying to Botswana? Want to know the dialling code for Peru? Or looking for a visa for Uzbekistan? We can help!
Donated computers break poverty cycle - November, 2002

Computers make a difference in a Nepali village.
European Organisations - September, 2003

Are you based in Europe? Working in Europe? Needing European contacts?
Iraq Update - July, 2003

A digest of the information available on Iraq in Global Hand's REACT section.
Job Creation - June, 2003

Unemployment figures have reached tragic levels - in their 70's, 80's and 90's - in some of the world's worst hit economies. In response, many humanitarian groups are moving towards projects that create jobs. Global Hand has put together a listing of organisations involved in microenterprise...
People Power - June, 2003

Do you need people in your organisation? Many non-profits struggle to find enough hands for the job. In fact, delegates at our Global Hand Consultation in Budapest identified a shortage of labour as one of their greatest problems. In response, Global Hand has opened a section called "Volunteer...
Iraq Customs - May, 2003

Global Hand has continued to expand the humanitarian customs guide; it now has information on over 130 countries.
Money Matters - May, 2003

Money really does matter in the humanitarian aid business. Even if we deal in donated product, we still need to pay the bills. But where do we go to find funding?
Wrong aid destroys jobs - February, 2003

We’re supposed to help, not hurt those we serve. But inappropriate humanitarian product can see factories closed and unemployment increased.