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In: Resources

Tatas going global with low-cost housing

The Tatas are giving a global perspective to their successful affordable housing model, which was launched in Mumbai. Mr Ratan Tata, Chairman of Tata Sons, said that Tata Housing has got enquiries for replicating the Mumbai housing model from other countries and is likely to start out from...

In: Stories

Western Union takes microfinance route for rural spread

In 2009, money transfer company, Western Union, tied up with microfinance institutions (MFIs) and e-governance service providers to facilitate financial inclusion in India.

In: Stories

Danone focuses on providing and promoting affordable dairy products in India

Since 2009, Groupe Danone, the $18-billion French dairy company, has been developing strategies for India by leveraging on its experience, involving easily affordable dairy products, in Bangladesh.

In: Quotes

About 20,000 schools [in South Africa], with 10 million pupils, have no libraries and few books

"About 20,000 schools [in South Africa], with 10 million pupils, have no libraries and few books, even if they do have shelves." Community H.E.A.R.T.

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Fewer than 3 computers per 1,000 people in Africa

There are fewer than 3 computers per 1,000 people in Africa. UN African Recovery Report

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Mobile phone waste

"Research suggests that there are over 20 million redundant mobile phones in the UK..."

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Estimated 315 million obsolete computers in the United States

"By 2004, there will be an estimated 315 million obsolete computers in the United States. Since fewer than 10 percent of the high-tech machines are now recycled, most of them will be destined for landfills or incinerators".

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Medicine need

β€œOne third of the world's population lacks access to essential medicines; in the poorest parts of Africa and Asia this figure rises to one-half.”

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Child slaves

There are an estimated 246 million child labourers (about 1 out of every 6 children in the world). The number of child slaves and bonded child labourers in India alone amount to 60 million.

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Obsolete computers

"Twenty million PCs become obsolete in the U.S. each Africa there are only three computers for every 1000 people."

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Excess medical product

"Large quantities of medical equipment β€” such as superseded anaesthetic equipment, ECG machines and glucometers β€” lie in storage and are desperately needed in developing countries."

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Access to HIV prevention information and services

"Only about one in five people at risk for HIV have access to prevention information and services".

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"In the USA, one family in two owns a computer. In rural sub-Saharan Africa, there are few computers to access; owning one is out of the question. 511 per 1000 people in North America have access to a computer. The number is 3 per 1000 people in East Africa."

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World's food supply enough for all

"Abundance, not scarcity, best describes the world's food supply. Enough wheat, rice and other grains are produced to provide every human being with 3,500 calories a day."

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World Income

"[Around the world] 3 billion [people are] living on $2 a day or less".

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Preventable child deaths

"About 29,000 kids die every day of preventable causes!"

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Obsolete computers

"Between 1997 and 2007, nearly 500 million personal computers will become obsolete - almost two computers for each person in the United States."

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Discarded medical supplies

"Researchers calculate that American hospitals throw away 2000 tons (or $200mn worth), of unused surgical supplies every year. At the same time, people around the world are literally dying for lack of these same materials."

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Telephone usage

" There are more than 600 million telephone lines today, yet almost half the world's population has never made a phone call."

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Water and sanitation numbers

"In 2002, in sub-Saharan Africa, approximately 42 percent of the population did not have easy access to a safe water supply, and about 64 percent did not have access to basic sanitary facilities."