Community development
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AccountAbility Rating

AccountAbility Rating, a tool developed by CRS Network and AccountAbility, measures the extent to which companies put responsible practices at the heart of their business, assessed across key domains. These domains include stakeholder engagement, strategy, governance, performance management, public...
Doing Business with the World: The New Role of Corporate Leadership in Global Development

Doing Business with the World, a publication of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), describes how companies can contribute to global sustainable development through their core businesses in a way that is profitable for the companies and good for development.
Formula for Corporate Funding

A Grants and Foundations Review article from the Charity Channel on how to find funding from corporate partners for events or special projects.
Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Africa: Recommendations of the MDG Africa Steering Group

Achieving the Millennium Development Goals in Africa: Recommendations of the MDG Africa Steering Group, a report by the MDG Africa Steering Group, provides practical steps, strategies and programmes, with costings, needed to achieve the Millennium Development Goals in Africa. This report was...
GoodCompany Guidelines for Corporate Social Performance

The GoodCompany Guidelines for Corporate Social Performance provide a framework for implementing socially and environmentally responsible initiatives at the company level. This is a practical tool, with additional resources to assist companies in implementing the initiatives it decides to pursue....
Corporate Volunteer Reporting Standards v2.0

Corporate Volunteer Reporting Standards v2.0 are used for reporting the activities of a company’s employee volunteer program. Standards relate to areas such as volunteer activities, employee volunteers, volunteer hours and dollar value of volunteer hours.
Partnering for Development - Making it Happen

Partnering for Development - Making it Happen, a booklet, builds on the report from the Commission on the Private Sector and Development and looks at three areas of engagement: the development of commercially sustainable business models that can be expanded and replicated; the reform of laws,...
Real Access Criteria

Real Access Criteria are used to frame the analysis of all issues surrounding ICT access and use, including the aspects that are often overlooked. They are designed to anticipate or detect the reasons that ICT development initiatives, government e-strategies, or grassroots projects fail to achieve...
OECD Principles of Corporate Governance

OECD Principles of Corporate Governance are intended to assist OECD and non-OECD governments in their efforts to evaluate and improve the legal, institutional and regulatory framework for corporate governance in their countries. The Principles also provide guidance and suggestions for stock...
Sigma Guidelines - Putting Sustainable Development into Practice: A Guide for Organisations

The Sigma Guidelines provide clear, practical advice to organisations to enable them to make a meaningful contribution to sustainable development. The guidelines help organisations to effectively meet challenges posed by social, environmental and economic dilemmas, threats and opportunities and...
Code of Conduct for NGOs engaged in Humanitarian Action, Reconstruction, and Development in Afghanistan

Code of Conduct for NGOs engaged in Humanitarian Action, Reconstruction, and Development in Afghanistan is aimed at promoting improved understanding of NGOs in Afghanistan, their purposes, and their accomplishments among the general public, government, donors and the media. The principles of...
Global Sullivan Principles of Social Responsibility

The Global Sullivan Principles of Social Responsibility, published by the Sullivan Foundation, are intended to be a catalyst and compass for corporate responsibility and accountability. Application of these principles is intended to facilitate greater tolerance and better understanding among those...
Public-Private Partnerships: Meeting in the Middle

Public-Private Partnerships: Meeting in the Middle was offered as a means of stimulating discussion about partnerships at the World Economic Forum's 2003 Meeting in Davos. The document attempts to define public-private partnerships, provide examples of such partnerships and suggest questions that...
Doing Business with the Poor: A Field Guide

Doing Business with the Poor: A Field Guide encourages "sustainable livelihoods (SL) business", that is, doing business with the poor in ways that benefit the poor and benefit the company. It discusses how successful SL business models focus on core competencies, partner across sectors and localise...
Joining Forces for Change: Demonstrating Innovation and Impact through UN-Business Partnerships

Joining Forces for Change: Demonstrating Innovation and Impact through UN-Business Partnerships, a publication by the UN Global Compact Office, presents a case for partnering with the UN in addition to listing case studies of successful UN-business partnerships. The partnerships presented in the...
Practical Quality Assurance System for Small Organisations (PQASSO)

PQASSO is the leading quality standard developed for the sector, by the sector. PQASSO’s flexibility means it can be used by all types of third sector organisations, including charities, social enterprises, community interest companies and community groups. It is appropriate for organisations of...
BOND Listing of Quality Standards, Codes and Inititatives

BOND Listing of Quality Standards, Codes and Inititatives, produced by the British Overseas NGOs for Development (BOND), provides web links to approximately forty codes, frameworks, agreements and other documents relating to quality standards for NGOs.
The politics of principle: the principles of humanitarian action in practice

This report is the synthesis report of an independent study by ODI into humanitarian principles. In recent years there has been an outpouring of reflection on principles by humanitarian agencies, and attempts in several countries by groups of agencies to develop a more explicitly ‘principled’...
Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals

Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals, a UN Millennium Project Report, recommends concrete actions toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The report presents an overview of the findings and recommendations of the UN Millennium Project. The document was co-authored...
Cash and vouchers in emergencies

This paper is the final product of a three-year research project looking into when the option of giving people money instead of, or as well as, in-kind assistance is feasible and appropriate. A strong body of evidence is starting to emerge to indicate that providing people with cash or vouchers...