Community development
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Make Poverty Business

This book provides methods of bridging the gap by constructing a rigorous profit-making argument for multinational corporations to do more business with the poor. The book should be read by international business managers seeking to increase profits and decrease risk in developing countries, and by...
Trade and Poverty: Is There a Connection?

Trade and Poverty: Is There a Connection?, a research based article produced for the World Trade Organisation, discusses if there is a connection between trade and poverty. Openness and trade liberalisation are now seen by many as key components of the national policy policy required for economic...
Regional perspectives on "Sustainable Livelihoods and Business"

Regional perspectives on Sustainable Livelihoods and Business, a publication of the WBCSD, discusses the potential of Sustainable Livelihoods (SL) businesses - businesses that benefit the poor while opening new doors to companies’ activities. The report presents the features and findings obtained...
ReliefWeb - Togo

A UN project serving the information needs of the humanitarian relief world. Includes a country-by-country guide, with an entry for Togo. It provides the latest updates about the country and its humanitarian situation.