Community development
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Centers for International Trade Development (CITD) - Trade Information Database

Centers for International Trade Development (CITD) is a California based agency which provides information and tools to train and prepare individuals / companies for international trade. The site also has some useful links to Export/Import Guides and to the US Customs Guide to Importing and...
Iran's Export-Import Regulations

This is an internet directory which lists rules and regulations for importing and exporting goods in Iran. It provides internet resources on conditions and regulations in Iran.
Useful Information and Resources for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development in Tunisia

This site provides news, information and resources regarding environmental protection and sustainable development in Tunisia. In particular, this link provides other useful organisations and links relating to Tunisia's environment and development, with links to other governmental and...
Business Call to Action

The Business Call to Action (BCTA) is a focal point for mobilising the efforts of companies to contribute to the MDGs through their core business expertise. A key aspect of this initiative is to encourage companies dealing with developing countries to adapt their business models to help improve the...
Information on Packing Products for Shipping

The web page is from the U.S. Government's export portal and contains useful information on packing products for shipping overseas. It also contains other related information such as tariff, import fees, inspections and Incoterms.
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) - meetings and conferences

The ISDR is a programme of the UN which aims at building disaster-resilient communities by promoting increased awareness of the importance of disaster reduction as an integral component of sustainable development -- with the goal of reducing human, social, economic and environmental losses due to...
United Nations Assistance Misssion for Iraq (UNAMI)

The United Nations Assistance Misssion for Iraq (UNAMI) hosts a web portal for UN agencies and NGOs working in Iraq.
Doing business with the poor - a field guide

The Guide explores the way in which several leading companies, including Shell, Coca Cola and Procter and Gamble, are developing inclusive business models designed to assist them to create new revenue streams while serving the needs of the poor through sound commercial operations. The companies are...
People at the heart of sustainable business - the IBLF Annual Review 2008-9

The IBLF annual review examines the way in which the Forum has been contributing to the development of sustainable business, arguing that the members of the Forum are leaders in this field, and that IBLF has a particular understanding of the way in which business solutions can contribute to...
Fair trade; not just free trade

Fair trade; not just free trade, a news article, reports that the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) commended the Department of Trade and Industry for opposing the current Doha texts on agriculture and industrial goods. The Congress of South African Trade Unions is concerned about the...
Trade Finance: Make it work for women

Trade Finance: Make it work for women, a news article, reports that women make up 70% of the world's poor, and it is important that they be given access to finance, which is critical to business success. The global financial crisis exacerbates an already dissatisfactory situation of trade financing...
Linking Business with Pro-Poor Development

Linking Business with Pro-Poor Development explores two key questions, How can business be pro-poor? and How can such partnerships be made sustainable? The document showcases how an innovative private-community partnership transformed the livelihoods of highly vulnerable families in far flung...
Inclusive Business: Profitable business for successful development

Inclusive Business: Profitable business for successful development, a paper published by The Alliance for Inclusive Business and the WBCSD, defines Inclusive Business as one that seeks to contribute to poverty alleviation by including lower-income communities within its value chain while not losing...
Business and Poverty: Opening markets to the poor

Business and Poverty: Opening markets to the Poor, an issue of Development Outreach published by the World Bank Institute, discusses how companies can operate profitably in emerging market economies, while enhancing the well-being of the poor by nurturing them as producers and consumers. The...
The Hard Work of Measuring Social Impact

Professor Alnoor Ebrahim of Harvard Business School explains how he thinks non-profit managers should respond to increasing demands from donors to measure social performance. The concepts he examines in a recent article include: * Rather than simply complying with the demands of the most...
Nonprofit Networking: The New Way to Grow

How can a nonprofit increase its social impact? Many would say it needs to grow big to be strong. Instead, says Harvard Business School professor Jane Wei-Skillern, the answer could be in the power of strategic networks.
The Global Social Venture Competition

The Global Social Venture Competition (GSVC) is the largest and oldest student-led business plan competition providing mentoring, exposure, and prizes for social ventures from around the world. The competition aims to catalyse the creation of social ventures, educate future leaders and build...
New guidelines to help investors measure success of microfinance institutions

According to this news article, socially responsible investors are choosing to invest in microfinance to help alleviate poverty. By means of often very small loans, financial services, and technology, microfinance helps the poor, often women, to start self-sustaining businesses in order to escape...
Social Enterprise Summit 2010

With over 730 attendees the 2010 Summit was the bigges event organised by the Enterprise Alliance. Social entrepreneurs and enthusiasts from over 30 countries around the world convened for three days in April, attending sessions and panels, sharing ideas and making connections. Most importantly,...
Mining minerals and sustainable development in Southern Africa

Report of the regional mining minerals and sustainable development process: Volume 1 focuses on the unique problems and opportunities of the South African mining context. It identifies the current trends in mining and makes future projections for growing sustainability efforts in this sector.