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Global Hand non-profit listing

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Camp Counselors Africa

Camp Counselors Africa is an NGO in Kenya. The organization is dedicated to assisting the poor and the community as a whole, working on projects in the following areas : education,social entrepreneurship, disaster response, poverty alleviation, micro-credit and advocacy.

Association Participation au Developpement Economique et Social (APDES)

Association Participation au Développement Economique et Social is an NGO in Mauretania. The Association works on issues related to women and children, education and general development.

Wheels of Hope Rising Foundation

Wheels of Hope Rising Foundation (WHRF) is a Nigerian NGO that helps individuals, families, communities and group who are socially disadvantaged. The organisation focuses on the provision of education support and medical assistance in rural areas.

Social Empowerment and Agriculture Development Agency(SEADA)

The Social Empowerment and Agriculture Development Agency(SEADA) is an Indian NGO that works among the poor and marginalized tribes of the Balasore and Mayurbhanj district. SEADA aims to assist in developing sustainable agriculture, and also works in disaster management. In particular, SEADA...

Precious Avenues Organization

Precious Avenues Organization is a Kenyan NGO that works with young people on environmental projects and on drug, alcohol and HIV/AIDS awareness.


ESCORT (Echo Society for Community Operation and Redemption from Trouble) is an Indian charitable organisation that aims to improve life in rural and urban areas through social awareness, rehabilitation and health.

Mengbwa: Actions Jeunes (MAJE)

Mengbwa: Actions Jeunes (MAJE) is an NGO in Cameroon. MAJE aims to assist in improving living conditions for young people through focusing on human rights, self-promotion and socio-professional integration for self-reliance, with a particular focus on girls.

Justice and Environment Foundation

The Justice and Environment Foundation is a Kenyan NGO that works on human rights, governance and democracy, health, and protection of the elderly and vulnerable, children.

AWARD (Action for Welfare and Awakening and Rural Development)

AWARD (Action for Welfare and Awakening and Rural Development) is an Indian NGO that works with tribal people and Dalits providing educational facilities for the improvement of literacy. The organisation has also conducted a number of projects and programmes to improve the lives of its target...

Paths of Life Kenya

Paths of Life Kenya is an NGO founded to help address the challenges of poor and marginalized communities in rural Kenya through capacity building and networking. Paths of Life focuses on the reduction of child poverty, education, income generation and sexual reproductive health and rights among...