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Global Hand non-profit listing

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MOTHER ( Miracle Organization Towards Health And Education Remedial) Society)

The MOTHER (Miracle Organization Towards Health and Education Remedial) Society) is an NGO in India, working for the empowerment of disadvantaged, disabled and vulnerable sections of the community through social, economic, educational and cultural development programmes.

Africa Volunteers Placement

Africa Volunteers Placement (A.V.P) is a volunteer agency in Kenya. The organisation supports a number of programmes for which they are seeking volunteers, including an education and orphanage programme, a youth programme, and a women's empowerment programme.

International Union of Parents and Teachers Association (IUPTA)

nternational Union of Parents and Teachers Association (IUPTA) is a Ghanaian NGO that seeks to inspire a breakthrough in the way the world treats children. The organisation promotes interventions based on knowledge gained through victimization surveys and crime statistics and provides advisory...

Nabweru South Youth Poultry Programme

The Nabweru South Youth Poultry Programme is a Ugandan NGO that aims to assist unemployed young people by creating jobs and teaching skills to help its client start small scale businesses. The Project also runs a loan scheme to assist small start-ups.

Centre for Promotion of Equal Rights

The Centre for Promotion of Equal Rights (CPER)! is an NGO in India that aims to assist in the emancipation of Dalits. The organisation currently runs child development centres which are in need of funding.

Redeemed Children for God Foundation

The Redeemed Children for God Foundation is a Christian humanitarian organization in Nigeria dedicated to helping children (orphans, vulnerable,underprivileged), youth and women to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty.

Sahani Sports Academy

The Sahani Sports Academy is a Zimbabwean organisation that aims to identify athletes with potential from disadvantaged rural backgrounds. The Academy intends to look for funding for the development of these young people and to help them continue their education. The Academy is an affiliate...

Anglican Development Services of Mount Kenya East (ADSMKE)

Anglican Development Services of Mount Kenya East (ADSMKE) is a Kenyan NGO established as the development arm of the Anglican Church of Kenya covering former Mt. Kenya East Diocese. The organisation aims to empower the poor, marginalized and the less endowed in the region to realize their potential...

Continental Youth Watch Development Organization (CYWADO) Tanzania

Continental Youth Watch Development Organization Tanzania is an NGO that works on legal and human rights, social development, formal and informal education, conflict resolution and environmental issues. CYWADO promotes the Millennium Development Goals.

Wonder Life Foundation-Uganda (WLF-U)

Wonder Life Foundation-Uganda (WLF-U) is a Ugandan NGO. The organisation works on issues related to HIV/AIDS, malaria and reproductive health.