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Global Hand non-profit listing

Results are sorted by date modified.

Women Support and Health Care (WOSHEC)

Women Support and Health Care (WOSHEC) is a NGO in Uganda that aims to promote the participation of women in community development and women's empowerment. The organisation works on issues related to health and education. Current projects include a back yard gardening scheme, a women's community...

Peer Educators Club - Ghana

The Peer Educators Club-Ghana (PEC-GH) is an NGO that works on development and health, helping young people to make informed decisions about their lives. In particular, the Club provides opportunities for young people to discuss issues relating to sexual health, and to access counselling for...

Fondation Eddy Mesidor Pour Le Developpement (FEMED)

Fondation Eddy Mesidor Pour Le Developpement (FEMED) is an NGO in Haiti. FEMED works on a range of issues, including education, health, sport, arts and culture, and general humanitarian aid. The organisation helps children go to school, and runs mobile health clinics where free medicines are...

African Child Initiative Programme

The African Child Initiative Programme is a Kenyan NGO. The Programme assists the most vulnerable children in the community, conducting HIV/AIDS training, providing seed money for business development, and supporting the education of orphans who make craft items for sale thus raising some much...

Social Action Orphanage Organization

The Social Action Orphanage Organization (SAO) is an NGO in Juba, South Sudan. The organisation's major goal is to support the rebuilding of life and happiness in the war-ravaged communities of Southern Sudan through implementing community -based rehabilitation and development interventions...

Neighbours Common Initiative Group

Neighbours Common Initiative Group is an NGO in Cameroon that works for the welfare of women and children in particular. Neighbours CIG aims to create educational opportunities for underprivileged children, particularly girls, and to work for poverty alleviation and social change.

Full Gospel Churches of Kenya - Njiru Branch

Full Gospel Churches of Kenya - Njiru Branch is a branch of the Kayole Local Church, a religious organisation. The church is based in Nairobi and has 60 members.


SUFA is an NGO registered in the UK. SUFA aims to develop human potential through building strong communities. SUFA focuses on health, education, employment and the local environment to help individuals to build strong communities. SUFA works to promote and protect the rights of all but focuses on...

Light Up Africa Care Foundation

The Light Up Africa Care Foundation (LUACF()is an association of volunteers committed to providing safe, healthy environmentally responsible and affordable renewable energy and lighting to Africa’s off-grid communities quickly and sustainably. The Foundation works to mitigate the effects of...

Valampuri Foundation

The Valampuri Foundation is an Indian NGO in TamilNadu. The Foundation works for rural workers and women and children, in distressed communities. These include low-income urban neighbourhoods and rural areas where workers generally have low skills. The Foundation seeks to motivate, train, and...