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Family Federation For World Peace

The Family Federation For World Peace promotes the building of successful families. It creates community networks of people, holding regular meetings, for study, discussion, meditation and recreation.

Child Support Uganda (CSU)

Child Support Uganda (formerly Orphans for Christ in Africa), is a non-sectarian, non-denominational Christian NGO caring for orphans, vulnerable children and disadvantaged youth and poor communities in Uganda, East Africa. CSU advocates for and promotes the rights and welfare of orphans and...


CadifKenya is an NGO that started by working with young professionals in slum areas aiming to build capacity and thus fight poverty within the community. CADIF currently runs three projects: an environmental awareness project, a computer literacy project and a computer digital literacy project,...

Mercy Ships Switzerland

Mercy Ships operates a fleet of ships crewed by doctors, teachers, water engineers and agriculturalists providing free services to people in some of the world’s poorest cities. The program includes three hospital ships, three land-based projects, and support offices around the world. The...

Rural Heal Mission

Rural Heal Mission is a Christian mission, based in India, that operates in South Asia and the Pacific. The group provides micro-finance services to poor Christian women, as well as running educational and environmental awareness programmes.

Rajasthan Bal Kalyan Society

RBKS is a registered voluntary organisation devoted to rural education and community development in Udaipur and Rajasmand districts of South Rajasthan and tribal zones of India. The main emphasis of RBKS is to educate and create opportunities for the rural underprivileged tribal children. RBKS...

Indian Social Service Institute

The Indian Social Service Institute (ISSI) is a rural NGO in Tamil Nadu. ISSI aims to assist the sustainable development of rural areas by conducting non-formal and formal educational programmes to address illiteracy; empowering women with various skills and motivating them to participate in...

Organisation of African Youth (OAYouth)

The Organisation of African Youth (OAYouth) is the youth platform for information exchange, forum for debate on African issues and a network of future political, corporate, academic, literary, religious and traditional leaders in all African contexts. The organisation encourages common thinking and...

Namugongo Youth and Women Development Association (YWDAN)

The Namungongo Youth and Women Development Association (YWDAN) is a community-based NGO registered with the Wakiso District Authority, Uganda. They have four basic areas of operation 1. basic education 2. primary health 3. economic empowerment 4. environmental protection campaigns The...

The Green Organisation

The Green Organisation is an independent, non-political, non-activist, non-profit environment group dedicated to recognising, rewarding and promoting environmental best practice around the world. The Green Organisaion also publishes The Green Book, an annual work of reference that has become...

International Movement ATD Fourth World

The International Movement ATD Fourth World is a non-governmental organization that engages individuals and institutions in support of the efforts of the very poor to free themselves from extreme poverty. It’s human rights-based approach focuses on supporting families and individuals through its...

Food and Water Watch

Food & Water Watch is a non-profit organization that advocates for common sense policies that will result in healthy, safe food and access to safe and affordable drinking water. The organization's staff, located in 15 offices in the United States, works with a range of constituencies to inform...

Franklin Township Food Bank

The Franklin Township Food Bank (FTFB) is a private, non-denominational, New Jersey non-profit organisation. Its mission is to reach out to the community and provide food and assistance to people in need in an atmosphere of dignity and respect. FTFB addresses the needs of Franklin Township...


InterAction is a coalition of over 165 USA-based non-profit organisations working worldwide. The organisation has formulated a code of best practice for their members known as the InterAction PVO Standards.

Centre for Volunteering

The Centre for Volunteering, based in Sydney, promotes and supports volunteers and community participation. The centre provides volunteers to community organisations and NGOs through its service delivery arm, and offers accredited and non-accredited training through the School of Volunteer...

International Education and Research Network Suriname (iEARN Suriname)

International Education and Research Network Suriname (iEARN Suriname), a member organisation of the International Education and Research Network, empowers teachers and young people to work together online using the Internet and other new communications technologies. iEARN Suriname works in...

OrphanAid Africa

Orphanage Africa (OA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation that aims to support orphans, needy children and women in Ghana. OA began by designing programmes that focused on education, healthcare, basic infrastructure and farming. Over time, however, OA has extended its approach by...

Al Imdaad Foundation

The Al-Imdaad Foundation is a non-profit humanitarian aid relief organisatin, dedicated to providing humanitarian services in crisis and non-crisis situations to most needy orphans, widows and destitute, irrespective of race, religion, culture, creed and geographical boundary. It works in projects...

Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA)

The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) was formed in the firm belief that there is an urgent need to strengthen institution and capacity-building for good governance and conflict transformation in Sri Lanka, and that non-partisan civil society groups have an important and constructive...

Global Operations and Development (GO&D)

Global Operations and Development (GO) is committed to assisting children and refugees by providing relief, medical supplies, and development for individuals, families and communities. GO&D works to promote family sustainability, economic independence, and self-sufficiency so that children...