Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry
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Defum Human Rights Association (DHRA)
The Defum Human Rights Association (DHRA ) is an independent non-governmental, nonpolitical and non profit making organization, which is registered under the Trustees incorporation Act of Malawi. DHRA was established on 13th June 2007 and get registered as an NGO on 08th February 2013. Its...
Grassroots Empowerment Network (GEN)
GEN is a private tax exempt, non-profit, non-governmental organisation which coordinates the activities of local community based NGOs, youth groups, community based organisations (CBO’s), co-operatives, community based enterprises (CBE’s), women and other vulnerable groups and individuals in...
People Empowering People International
People Empowering People(PEP) is an indigenous Non Governmental Organisation(NGO) Not-for-Profit operating in Arua District, the sub-counties of Rigbo, Rhinocamp, Ogoko and Pawor. These subcounties are in Lower Madi Constituency with higher poverty indices in the District. Yet the biggest natural...
Union Syndicale des Agriculteurs (USA)
Union Syndicale des Agriculteurs is an organization in Togo that aims to defend farmers against all forms of illegitimate dealing. The Union also aims to alert the public to problems in regard to national nutrition and to act as an umbrella organisation for all organisations involved in...
100 thousand trees project
100 thousand trees project was set up on the realization of the large extent of deforestation in Uganda. As a result a team of youths interested in conservation of nature came together to establish a platform from which activities aimed at conserving the environment are carried out. The target of...
Quaker United Nations Office
QUNO staff work with people in the UN, multilateral organisations, government delegations, and non-governmental organisations, to achieve changes in international standards and practice. Quakers are known for speaking out against injustice and war - issues that are incompatible with our vision of a...
World Humanitarian Service Foundation
MISSION STATEMENT: To provide quality education, train, develops and build sound institutional framework in communities through mobilization of resources to meet target objectives. VISION To produce morally upright, sound and responsible people capable of contributing their quota to the...
Motherchak Naboday Kuishalay Sangha
Motherchak Naboday Kuishalay Sangha is an Indian NGO that works for marginalised communities, focusing on Dalits, women, young people and people with disabilities. The organisation offers vocational training, and links to credit for beneficiaries to enable them to start their own enterprises. In...
Programme Intégré pour le Développement du Peuple Pygmée au Kivu « PIDP-SHIRIKA LA BAMBUTI » / Integrated Programme for the Pygmy People Development in Kivu
PIDP KIVU is an organisation defending the rights of the pygmies peoples in Republic Democratic of the Congo. It has been created by and for the pygmies to deal with their socioeconomic, marginalised and human rights issues they face in Kivu. The PIDP Kivu is the first and oldest organization of...
HARITIKA works with people whose lives are dominated by extreme poverty, illiteracy, disease and other handicaps. With multifaceted development interventions, HARITIKA strives to bring about positive change in the quality of life of the poor people of BUNDELKHAND region of UP and MP. HARITIKA...
El Hombre Sobre la Tierra
El Hombre Sobre la Tierra (HST) is a Mexican NGO that works with the Mayan population in the Yucatan peninsula. The organisation is committed to fostering an endogenous participatory process in which the community establishes its own strategies to overcome marginalization, food dependency and low...
Guineans Association for Development
The Guineans Association for Development is an American NGO that aims to assist in improving the living standards of people in Guinea. The organisation has distributed school supplies and helped the sick. The Association is looking for funding to help expand its work and for partners in...
UK National Lottery Community Fund
UK National Lottery Community Fund distributes some of the money raised by the National Lottery to support charitable, benevolent and philanthropic organisations based in the UK, including those that work in partnership with overseas organisations. The four priority areas for the Community Fund are...
Global Hand Principles
Global Hand, and its parent NGO, Crossroads Foundation, aims to ensure that aid given is good aid. You can find a range of standards, specific to sectors of the disaster and development spectrum, in our Standards, Guidelines and Toolkits section. A high level summary of Global Hand's standards...
Centre d'Encadrement Professionnel des Jeunes en Detresse
Centre d'Encadrement Professionnel des Jeunes en Detresse (CEPROJED) is an NGO in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The organisation supports young people and women from conflict affected communities. Its main activities are women and youth empowerment, promoting human rights, civic and electoral...
Global Hope Network International (GHNI)
Global Hope Network International (GHNI) is an international organisation with offices in Europe and the USA that provides resources, personnel and services to help facilitate relief efforts, development projects, and the empowerment of national agencies and communities in areas of the world...
Global Hand Standards introductory page You can also view this page in German. Diese Seite ist auch auf Deutsch verfügbar.
Global Aid Network (GAiN) Australia
Global Aid Network, (GAiN), exists to demonstrate the love of God - through word and deed - to hurting and needy people around the world. Their aim is to focus on relief and development projects. Whatever the need may be - food, shelter, medical supplies, development assistance - GAiN innovatively...
Youth Wake Up
Youth Wake Up is a Tanzanian NGO that works to enhance the well being of vulnerable youth, women and poor families.
PBS International
PBS International is a British manufacturer of pollination bags for use in plant breeding. The company operates worldwide with particular focus on Asia and South America and is looking for a way to reuse its products which are weather resistant, strong, allow air to pass through and resist tearing...