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Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry

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Pakistan Community Peace Foundation

The Pakistan Community Peace Foundation (PCPF) is an NGO that aims to speak for poor and marginalised communities in Pakistan. The organisation focuses on education and healthcare. It also provides food for the needy through its agricultural programmes and runs vocational training courses for...

Anasi Farmers Association

Anasi Farmers Association is an NGO of women farmers in Uganda that aims to improve the living conditions of the underprivileged, including people with disabilities.

Rural Development Organisation

The Rural Development Organisation is an Indian NGO that works for the empowerment of the poorest. The organization is led by women, and its main target groups are women. The organisation also works with poor farmers.


Prottyon is an NGO in Bangladesh that works for people with disabilities, minority groups and poor farmers. The organisation provides training, and works on issues including trafficking and human rights.

Kanyala Little Stars Organisation

Kanyala Little Stars Organization is a Kenyan NGO that promotes and provides humanitarian support, technical assistance and emergency relief to disadvantaged people (orphans, widows and those living with HIV/AIDS) through its pre-primary and primary school and horticulture model farm. The...

Kyandani Technologies Development Group (KTSDG)

Kyandani Technologies Development Group (KTSDG) is an NGO based in Nairobi, Kenya. The Group plans to undertake community development projects such as borehole drilling and water harvesting, flower farming and training.

Ajit Foundation

Ajit Foundation is a charitable organization in India that focuses on dalits, women and other marginalised people. The organisation runs a number of programmes to improve the lives of its target groups through education and health. An orphanage caters for children of HIV/AIDS victims, and other...

Association of Deep Sea Going Artisanal Fishermen (ADSGAF)

The Association of Deep Sea Going Artisanal Fishermen (ADSGAF) is an association that works with the artisanal deep sea fishermen in Thoothoor, Tamil Nadu, India. The Association promotes sustainable fisheries and mainstreaming environmental protection with development activities in the region....

International Volunteers Network

International Volunteer’s Network is a private organization in Uganda that aims to mobilize international volunteers to live and work alongside local people on humanitarian projects.

The Vocational Training Centre, Jinja

The Vocational Training Centre, Jinja, is a community-based training centre in Lubani Village, Butagaya Sub-County, Uganda. The Centre provides vocational training for school drop outs whose parents cannot afford to pay fees, or who have died of HIV/AIDS.

China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA)

The China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA) is a non-profit organisation, engaged in managing domestic and overseas donated funds and materials. Programs include water and livestock, terracing, rebuilding houses, rural education, rural technology training, women's and children's health and...

Hope Initiatives Organisation

The Hope Initiatives Organisation (HIO) is a Ugandan NGO that works on issues related to health, education and the improvement of agriculture and environmental protection. The organisation also aims to promote the rights of women in particular.

Growth Partners Africa

Growth Partners Africa is a capacity development NGO based in Nairobi. The organisation applies commercial strategies to maximize improvements in human and environmental well-being, rather than maximizing profits for its partners. Sustainable solutions underpin all its interventions which are in...

Amis des Etrangers au Togo: (ADET)

Amis des Etrangers au Togo (ADET) is an NGO in Togo that works for social development, in particular for people with disabilities, the elderly, migrants, indigenous people, youth, and vulnerable women and children. Programmes and projects focus on agriculture, biodiversity, biotechnology,...

Farming and Animal Husbandry

The Farming and Animal Husbandry Project (FAHP) is an NGO in Cameroon. The Project seeks to empower rural communities—especially women and youths—through sustainable agricultural development programmes and rural health education. The Project also works on health, gender, human rights and water...

LifeCare Ghana

LifeCare Ghana (LIFECARE) is an NGO that works for underserved women and children in the areas of education, human rights, food security, environment, and water and sanitation. LIFECARE has trained 15 women's groups in group dynamics, soap making, pomade production, rabbit rearing and small...

Save the Nature (STN)

Save the Nature (STN) is an NGO in Pakistan that aims to promote sustainable development in Balochistan through environmental conservation and management of natural resources. STN is involved in awareness raising and capacity building, helping communities to adopt farming practices that aid...

Living Fountain Care Point

Living Fountain Care Point is a small project of a 15-member Self Help Group of volunteers working towards alleviating the problems of abandoned and vulnerable children within the community of Mombasa and its environs. The Group is running a Children’s Home and providing care to abandoned children...

RUSTIC (Rural Unfortunates Safety Talisman Illumination Cottage)

RUSTIC (Rural Unfortunates Safety Talisman Illumination Cottage) is a Bangladeshi NGO that works on environmental and socio-economic issues with poor and marginalised communities.

Jaya Prakash Memorial Centre

The Jaya Prakash Memorial Centre (JPMC) is an Indian consumer protection organization that also helps the tribal people of Chhattisgarh. JPMC fights against corruption and aims to educate the community in regard to consumer issues and rights.