Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry
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Mbonweh Women's Development Association
The Mbonweh Women's Development Association is a women-led NGO in Cameroon that strives for equal justice and fair treatment of all irrespective of gender. The Association works a range of initiatives including education and vocational training, sustainable agriculture, women's empowerment,...
Enactus Strathclyde
Enactus Strathclyde is a social enterprise set up by students in Scotland. The organisation has a microfinance team, and in addition, works on technology development in order to assist small businesses in less developed countries.
Surviving To Striving (STS) Uganda
Surviving To Striving (STS) is a Ugandan NGO that aims to help communities to achieve a better life. STS is involved in child care, economic development programmes, adult education, health campaigns, water and sanitation programmes, and various agricultural projects as well as initiatives for young...
Creative Action for Rural Development (CARD)
Creative Action for Rural Development (CARD) is an Indian NGO that works for Dalits in rural areas. Activities in which CARD has been engaged for the past 25 years include the development of micro-credit, community health, education and the encouragement of women's empowerment. ...
Bala Coffee Growers Cooperative Society Limited
The Bala Coffee Growers Cooperative Society Limited is an NGO in Uganda that distributes coffee seedlings free of charge to communities, and conducts bulk marketing for coffee. The Society conducts training on coffee production and marketing.
Bright Future Pastoralist and Agro-pastoralist Development Initiative
The Bright future Pastoralist and Agro- pastoralist Development Initiative is an Ethiopian NGO that works for the development of pastoral communities.
New Integrated Collective Initiative for Poverty Alleviation (NICOLIPA)
The New Integrated Collective Initiative for Poverty Alleviation (NICOLIPA) is a collective initiative to create local employment and a sustainable food supply, reduce urban migration and child labour and create a source of income for the people of Mukonje in Cameroon. The organisation is engaged...
Help Extension Group (HEG)
The Help Extension Group (HEG) is a Cameroonian NGO that works for the underprivileged, promoting health, education and agriculture. HEG provides education, training and healthcare for children, and provides farmers with basic equipment and small capital sums. The organisation also works on...
Indus Society for Rural Development (ISRD)
The Indus Society for Rural Development (ISRD) is a Pakistani NGO that began by promoting self-help in regard to saving and internal lending. The organisation has also established the Earth Stars Academy in Islamkot, providing high school level English medium education. Overall, ISRD aims to ...
Agri-Frontiers Uganda
Agri-Frontiers Uganda is a Ugandan NGO that works in extension management, helping farmers to grow fruit and vegetables on a large scale, and to establish nursery and demonstration beds. The organisation also currently runs a Christian foundation school.
Network of Ugandan Researchers and Research Users (NURRU)
Network of Ugandan Researchers and Research Users (NURRU)is a registered NGO bringing together researchers and research users to tackle some of Uganda’s socio-economic problems through research and research output utilization. NURRU conducts research for socio-economic development aimed at poverty...
Green Cameroon
Green Cameroon is an NGO established to assist in conserving Cameroon’s rich biodiversity by working on practical solutions to solve conservation problems. The organisation paysclose attention to sustainable development and rural community livelihoods and is committed to fighting environmental...
Centrer for International Development and Agricultural Research (CIDAR)
The Centre for International Development and Agricultural Research (CIDAR) is a Cameroonian NGO that aims to assist in developing the natural resources available in the agricultural sector, and enhancing their output based on technical know-how in addition to helping people themselves to realize...
SCORE ( Society for Community Organization and Rural Education)
Society for Community Organization and Rural Education (SCORE) is an Indian NGO that works on the welfare and socio-economic upliftment of marginalised communities. The organisation works primarily on education and health. Its target groups are women and children. Also included are small farmers...
Tekmologi Solutions
Tekmologi Solutions is a Kenyan company that offers a range of business services aimed at entrepreneurs, and specialises in agri-business.
Ecomuka is a Ugandan NGO that aims to improve household incomes and the general standard of living of the community through sustainable exploitation of natural resources, in particular, agro-forestry and eco-tourism.
Cameroon Association Active Youths
Cameroon Association Active Youths is an NGO that works on issues related to education, including teaching school children sustainable and productive agricultural practices. The organisation also runs programmes designed to protect the environment and promote health and the quality of life.
India Evangelical and Educational Rural Development (IEERD)
The India Evangelical and Educational Rural Development(IEERD) is an NGO that works for the upliftment of down trodden and needy people. The organisation is involved in vocational training for poor women , environmental protection adult education, medical camps, youth development and services for...
Alliance for Development
Alliance for Development is a Ghanain NGO that works for sustainable development in four thematic areas: environment ggriculture and food; trade, employment and education; health and Energy; and governance, leadership and democracy.
EmmART Foundation
The EmmART Foundation is an NGO in Uganda. The organization works with disadvantaged rural communities, especially families that have been affected by and infected with HIV/AIDS and also by the long-running civil unrest. The Foundation aims to empower the community through training in art and...